Time & Place: | Ref No. 48340: Monday, Wednesday, 5:30 – 7:05 PM, via Zoom | ||||||||
Instructor: |
Name: Wayne Pollock E-mail: Internet: Office & Phone: DTEC–404, 253–7213 View my Office Hours.
ID: wpollock@hccfl.edu
Homepage URL:
Texts: | Evi Nemeth et. al., Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook, Fifth Edition. ©2018 Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-13-427755-4. | ||||||||
Description: |
(This course is 3 credit hours long.)
This course is a continuation of
CTS 1106 (Introduction to
The focus is hands-on Linux system administration.
Topics include system administration concepts, system installation
and configuration.
Additional topics include understanding the Unix filesystem,
configuring basic system hardware and services, managing user
accounts, basic system security, and backups.
Major Unix variants will also be covered.
This course continues with
CTS 2322 (Unix/Linux
Administration II).
Instructional Methodology: The class format will be lecture and discussion; class participation is strongly encouraged. Assignments will be mostly group programming projects. While some time will be provided in class, most assignments will require several hours per week outside of class. | ||||||||
Objectives: | The student will demonstrate a knowledge of the following
topics through objective tests, hands-on activities,
and/or projects:
| ||||||||
Prerequisite: | CTS 1106, or Permission of the Instructor. Students enrolled in a degree or college credit certificate program must complete all prerequisites. Note! HCC registration computers may not check for prerequisites before allowing you to enroll. Be certain you have all required prerequisites or you won't have much of a chance of success. Also, you may be dropped from the class. | ||||||||
Canvas and Software: | The course materials are available online; you will need to have a computer
which meets the minimum requirements as stated in the Canvas Student Guide and
Internet access in order to complete the course.
You will need to use Zoom. While Zoom can be used from a web browser, I recommend installing Zoom on your computer. Download Zoom from Zoom.us. You can then read Zoom user guides. Be sure to keep your Zoom software up to date! Students are responsible for accessing Canvas and Zoom and familiarizing themselves with navigation of the web site. The instructor is not responsible for the breakdown of technology including, but not limited to any of the following: inability to submit assignments, downtime of the Canvas server, operating system breakdowns, incompatible software, Internet connections; nor any personal challenges you may face while dealing with the 'online' delivery system. Linux Systems:In the past, HCC provided each student with a removable disk they could use for the whole semester. Since the class no longer meets on-campus, adjustments will have to be made for the projects. For our course, you can use an old computer to install Linux. For most of us, it is more convenient setup a virtual machine and install Linux on that. This is what your instructor uses. (A dual-boot setup is also possible. While not recommended, a dual-boot setup does have the advantage that you can examine real hardware, a useful skill.) |
HCC Facilities and Resources: |
A class “wiki” has been set up for your use, at YborStudent.hccfl.edu/UnixWiki/. To add or modify any content, you must create a login for yourself. Use an account name that clearly indicates your real name; avoid account names such as “The Linuxator”. You can use this wiki to hold discussions, ask questions, and contribute information to the collaborative study guide. You can create your personal page(s) to hold your system journal or class notes. (All content on the wiki, including personal user pages, are publicly readable, and must adhere to HCC policies.) You can use HawkNet (WebAdvisor) to obtain your final grade for the course. You can use your assigned Hawkmail (Hawkmail365) email address or use Canvas, if you wish to discuss your grades via email. (Note, it may be possible to setup your Hawkmail account to forward all received emails to some outside email account; but you still must send mail from your official HCC account to discuss grades.) Most college systems now (or will in the future) use a single sign-on user ID, known as HCC “NetID”. Visit netid.hccfl.edu to register and to update your credentials. (Your initial password is your uppercase first name initial, lowercase last name initial, and your seven digit student ID number.) Note, the quickest way to resolve login issues is the HCC Live Web Portal (hcclive.hccfl.edu).
The college provides wireless network connections for students and guests
on Dale Mabry campus.
For students, select the network
“ Hawk Alert text messaging service allows you to receive important information regarding campus closures or emergencies. You may also sign up for financial aid notifications and registration and payment deadlines. This is a free service, although some fees may be applied by your cellular service provider or plan for text messages. For more information, visit https://www.hccfl.edu/support-services/hawk-alert. Computers are located in the Dale Mabry campus computer science department open lab, in DTEC–462. Lab hours are:
For Remote Assistance Call 813-253-7330, or send email to dteclab@hccfl.edu. Some tutoring services for some courses are offered: CGS-1000 Intro to Computers and Tech, CET-1172C PC Upgrade and Repair-Hardware, CET-1174C PC Upgrade and Repair-Software, CET-1600 Cisco Network Fundamentals, CET-1610 Cisco Router Technology, CTS-1303 Microsoft Beginning Server I, and CTS-1106 Intro to UNIX/Linux. Rules for Using HCC Facilities
HCC's Student Assistance Program (SAP) offers resources tailored to student life, providing you with the right tools to help you through some of life's toughest challenges. The college has contracted Baycare Health Management to provide free, professional, confidential counseling by telephone and in person. A wide range of topics may be addressed through this program, including mental health counseling, budgeting, and financial concerns. Please call 800-878-5470 or send email to baycaresap@baycare.org for further information. |
Grading: |
Grading scale:
A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=65-69,
F=0-64 (Collaborating on the class wiki counts as up to 5 points extra credit, as does active class participation. See below for details.) | ||||||||
Policies: |
| ||||||||
Projects: |
Projects will be assigned from the class web page at various times.
You will have sufficient time to complete the projects,
at least a week but usually two or more weeks.
Currently, all projects in this course are designated as group projects.
You should work together in small (two to four people) groups on projects,
and the names of all who worked together must be listed.
Projects in system administration require you to have root (administrator) access to you own computer. This means a computer or a virtual computer that you can mess up and reformat as needed. Typically you will do most of the work on projects outside of regular class hours, however some class time will be devoted to group work on projects. Projects are graded on the following scale:
A = 95% (Excellent: Good design with good comments, style, and extras) Minor extras worth +5 points, minor omissions or poor design worth -5. Projects are not graded when turned in. They are graded all at once, sometime after the project deadline has passed (usually the following weekend). Every effort will be make to grade projects within a week of the due date, or as soon thereafter as possible. (See also submitting assignments below.) | ||||||||
Wiki Assignment: |
Extra credit can be earned by updating the study guide on the
class wiki
with a substantial contribution based on the material covered
in class, from assigned readings, or from other resources you
have studied.
A substantial contribution means adding new material,
adding references (links), or elaborating (or correcting) some
previous submission.
You should use
wiki formatting and not HTML formatting when
possible, and be sure to spell-check your work.
The wiki will automatically send to your instructor an email for each
update, so there is no need to add your name to your contribution.
However, you must ensure you use a wiki account name that reflects your
real name, or the instructor won't know who did what.
Your instructor is the editor and moderator of this study guide (and for all material posted on this wiki site). While some time will be given for students to correct postings, in order to ensure an accurate study guide the instructor may edit, add to, or remove material posted by students. The wiki assignment will be graded on or after the following week (so you have through the weekend to post something for the previous week). Your contributions will be graded based on correctness, completeness, and clarity. Note regular posting is required to earn extra credit; one large post the last week of the term will not earn much (or any) extra credit. | ||||||||
Submitting Assignments: |
Submit your projects to the correct dropbox on Canvas.
Remember to include the names of fellow students you worked with.
In the event a student submits more than once for the same assignment, I will ignore all but the last one received up to the deadline. Assignments submitted after the deadline will not count toward your grade except as allowed by the course late policy. Also, you cannot resubmit an assignment once it has been graded. Always keep a copy of your submitted projects, until you are certain they have been received and the grade recorded correctly. |
HCC Academic Calendar: | |
Classes Begin: | Monday 1/11/2021 |
Add-Drop Ends: | Friday 1/15/2021 |
Orientation Period Ends: | Wednesday 1/20/2021 |
Last Day to Withdraw: | Sunday 3/28/2021 |
Classes End: | Monday 5/10/2021 (Last scheduled day: 5/6/2021) |
Grades Available: |
Wednesday 5/12/2021
(from HawkNet)
HCC is closed on: |
Monday 1/18/2021 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), Monday 2/15/2021 (Presidents' Day), Monday–Sunday 3/15/2021–3/21/2021 (Mid-Term Break), Friday–Sunday 4/2/2021–4/4/2021 (Spring Day), Friday 4/16/2021 (All College Day)
Monday 2/8/2021 (Superbowl 2021 at Raymond James stadium). |
Consequences of Dropping or Withdrawing
Dropping or withdrawing may have an impact on financial aid, veteran’s benefits, or international student visa status. Students are encouraged to consult with a financial aid, the VA certifying official, or the international student advisor, as appropriate, prior to dropping or withdrawing from class.
Requests For Accommodations
If, to participate in this course, you require an accommodation due to a physical disability or learning impairment, you must contact the Office of Services to Students with Disabilities, Dale Mabry campus: Student Services Building (DSTU) Room 102, voice phone: (813) 259–6035, FAX: (813) 253–7336.
HCC has a religious observance policy that accommodates the religious observance, practices, and beliefs of students. Should students need to miss class or postpone examinations and assignments due to religious observances, they must notify their instructor at least one week prior to a religious observance.
Quotes: | “Tell me and I'll listen. Show me and I'll understand. Involve me and I'll learn.” | — Lakota Indian saying | |
“Learning is not a spectator sport!” | — Chickering & Gamson |
Dates Tue Thu |
Topics and Assigned Readings |
1/12 |
Course introduction, syllabus review.
Common SA tasks.
Assign User IDs, discuss passwords.
Professional societies and certification.
System Journal.
Using a wiki.
SysAdmin job titles and descriptions, salaries, ethics and politics;
job interviewing tips, and soft skills.
IT service management (and
IT governance) overview.
ITSM standards, especially the
SI units.
Readings Due: Chapter 1 certification links, System Administration Common Tasks, IT management resources, System Administrator's Code of Ethics, and soft skills |
1/14 |
Review computer system (buses and word size, power supply, CPU,
memory, controllers, peripherals, firmware (BIOS), and POST).
Virtual memory (swapping and paging, COW, deduplication, page faults,
page tables and MMU), physical memory (use, zones, caches,
over-commit and the out of memory (OOM killer,
Swap space (uses, how much to allocate).
Keyboard input, networking hardware (NIC) configuration (static, dynamic).
System clock, tickless kernels.
Power-on boot cycle (including POST,
optionally LOM, )
and OS loading.
Readings Due: Chapter 20.3, virtual memory, notes from Lecture 2 (hardware) |
1/19 1/21 |
Review computer system (continued).
Disk partitioning and storage volume planning.
System startup: initial RAM disk, starting daemons.
System shutdown: shutdown ,
/etc/nologin , halt ,
reboot , and poweroff .
Booting in rescue (and similar) modes.
Readings: Chapters 2, 20.6, 20.7 (partitioning, LVM), Pages 770-771 (swapping recommendations), Partitioning and LVM resources |
1/26 |
Installing Linux:
Pre-install questions to answer, capacity planning, install versus upgrade,
basic DHCP IP network setup, common
installation issues.
PXE and KickStart for automated installs.
Post-install task list.
Maintaining site documentation.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
Readings: Installing Fedora Linux, LVM, pre-/post-install resources, pages 1116–1118 (IaC and documentation) Project #1 (Partitioning) Due 1/26 |
2/2 2/4
Boot managers: [e]lilo , grub2 (and
GRUB legacy).
uname .
LOM (IPMI) and
Using grub to set or change boot/kernel
parameters such as run-level/target.
Unix and Linux device (especially disks and partitions) naming schemes.
Readings: Chapter 2 Project #2 (Install) Due 2/2 |
2/9 2/11 |
Managing storage (partitions & legacy slices).
DOS/MBR disks (primary/extended/logical partitions),
modern UEFI/GPT disks.
Disk names, labels, UUIDs (blkid ).
Different ways to refer to storage volumes.
Protective MBRs and BIOS boot partitions.
Logical volume management (LVM) concepts and features.
Managing LVM on Linux.
Readings: Chapter 20 (storage, the topics listed above only), Disk and hardware resources |
2/16 | Exam #1 via Canvas — Covers from common system administrator tasks through filesystem types |
2/16 2/18
2/23 2/25 |
Common filesystem types (FAT32, ext4, NTFS,
iso9660, BtrFS, ...).
Disk technology (SCSI, ATA, MBR,
RAID, RAM disks,
SSDs, SANS/NAS, ...).
Bind and private mounts.
Hard disk administration (f/gdisk , parted ,
mkfs , mkswap , df , du ,
fsck , mount , umount ,
tune2fs ), lsbk , blkid ,
/etc/fstab .
Working with removable media.
Hardware documentation.
Readings: Chapter 20 (storage, the topics listed above only) |
3/2 |
Data centers (rack-mounted servers).
Readings: Chapter 30 (data centers) Project #3 (Hard Disk Admin) Due 3/2 |
3/9 3/11
Configuration management and CM tools (Puppet, Ansible, ...),
asset management, and patch management.
Package management:
RPM (and yum /dnf ),
DEB (and apt),
FlatPak and other technologies.
/opt versus /usr/local .
Using source code:
tar archives (tar-balls), make .
Using alternatives .
Readings: Chapters 23.0-23.6 (configuration incl. Ansible), 6.2-6.4 (package management), configuration, patch, and package management resources |
Mon – Sun 3/16 – 3/21 | Mid-Term Break — HCC Closed |
3/23 |
Change management.
DevOps overview and tasks.
Containers and Kubernetes.
CI/CD (continuous
Readings: Chapters 31.1 (DevOps), 25 (containers), 26.1-26.3 (CI/CD) Change management resources. |
Help desk setup, time management, trouble-ticketing.
Administrative policies and procedures. Review disaster recovery plans (will not be covered during class, but you are responsible for the readings assigned). Centralization versus decentralization. Readings: Chapter 31.2 (ticketing), 31.7 (SLAs), 31.5 (disaster recovery), 31.6 (policies and procedures), 31.8 (compliance), Help Desk resources, Disaster Recovery Outline, optional DRP resources). Project #4 (Filesystem Admin) Due 3/30 |
4/1 | Exam #2 via Canvas — Covers from SSDs (NAND flash) through Centralization versus decentralization |
4/1 |
Adding RAM, NIC, and disk to
IA servers and PCs.
Danger of shock, ESD.
Maintenance, supplies.
Virtualization (virtual hardware) overview.
Adding and configuring hardware and drivers:
/dev/* , major and minor device numbers.
mknod .
Understanding udev and D-BUS.
Managing and monitoring other hardware (such as video and sound cards).
Readings: Chapters 11.3 (devices and drivers), 24 (virtualization), Working with Hardware. |
4/6 |
Configuration overview (using webmin ,
command line tools, vi , and
/proc ).
Defining port numbers, service names, and /etc/services .
Brief overview of other security features/subsystems:
concepts for files and directories, Unix/Linux
ACLs, extended attributes,
PAM, TCP Wrappers, firewalls).
Readings: Chapters 3 (security), 13.3 (IP & ports), 4.6 (/proc), 5.4-5.6 (file permissions and ACLs), pages 590-593 (PAM), 27.8 (firewalls), on-line configuration, network, and init resources Project #5 (Disaster Recovery Plan) Due 4/6 |
4/8 |
Systemd concepts and commands.
Manually starting and stopping services.
Managing network on-demand services (systemd sockets,
legacy inetd and xinetd ).
Periodic processes (cron, at, anacron, systemd timer units).
(Other init systems (not on exam):
The Sys V init system.
Upstart, Solaris SMF.)
Readings: Chapters 2.6-2.7, (init esp. systemd), 4.9 (cron & systemd timers), on-line configuration, networking, cron/at/anacron, and init resources |
Fri – Sun 4/10 – 4/12 | Spring Day — HCC Closed |
4/13 4/15 |
Database and SQL basics, configuring MySQL
and PostgreSQL.
(Will not be fully covered during class, but you are responsible for the
readings assigned).
Readings: Database Basics, Database, MySQL, and PostgreSQL additional resources Project #6 (Service Administration) Due 4/13 |
4/20 4/22 |
Printing (local and network via samba ):
concepts, tools (for CUPS).
Readings: Chapter 12 (CUPS), On-line Printing resources Project #7 (Database Administration) Due 4/22 |
4/27 4/29
Adding, managing, removing users and groups
({user,group}{add,mod,del} , managing passwords
(shadow, MD5), enabling accounts, /etc/skel ,
/etc/login.defs , vipw ,
pwck , ...).
Disk quotas.
Disabling accounts.
Readings: Chapter 8 (user management), On-line User Management resources Project #8 (Printer configuration) Due 4/29 |
5/6 |
Exam #3
via Canvas — Covers from working with hardware (4/1) through
managing users (5/4)
Project #9 (User Administration) Due 5/6 Project (Backups) is due next term (This is a project for the Admin II course, but you might want to start it early.) |
Resources | |||||
System Administrator Tasks | Common tasks required of system administrators | IT Management Overview | Describes IT management and ITIL | ||
Human Resource Management for IT | Describes issues for IT management | MIS Links | MIS web resources | ||
PMO Overview | Describes Project Management Office (PMO) governance | ITIL | The official ITIL website; see also the companion Best Management Practice website | ||
Code of Ethics | System administrator's code of ethics | Soft Skills | A discussion of certifications, job interviewing tips, and required “soft skills” | ||
Salary Surveys | Annual IT salary survey results from www.dice.com (A fuller PDF report for 2013 is also available) | YborStudent System Journal | A snap-shot of the official YborStudent System Journal | ||
Fedora 29 System Administrator's Guide | One of several system administration guides available from docs.FedoraProject.org (See also older Fedora documentation and guides) | tldp.org | The Linux Documentation Project: how-tos, guides, and more (See also Fedora Quick-Docs (how-to documents)) | ||
FreeBSD man pages | Searchable man pages in HTML format for many versions of Unix and Linux | HP-UX system administration manuals | Includes man pages and guides (See also IBM's AIX documentation) | ||
Oracle Solaris 11 library | A collection of Solaris man pages, administrator guides, and more (formerly called “docs.sun.com”). See also the migrated content from the old Sun BigAdmin library | Standard International (SI) Units | Defines standard units and prefixes, such as “kilo” and “mega” (See also the ISO/IEC binary standard prefixes for information technology such as “kibi”) | ||
RFC number search plugin | Download this XML file and put it in the
Firefox “searchplugins ” directory
(also this RFC
keyword search plugin) |
Unix Standard search plugin | Download this XML file and put it in the
Firefox “searchplugins ” directory |
Graphic of Computer Hardware | Classic Von Neumann computer hardware architecture diagram from www.infoq.com/presentations/click-crash-course-modern-hardware | www.PurpleMath.com | Good site for basic math and algebra tutorials (something all technology workers need to know) | ||
Computer Bus Info (PDF) | Some information about computer buses | How to destroy old hard disks | A 2-minute YouTube video (Once destroyed, you should dispose or recycle old electronics; for non-commercial users, see your local county solid waste department) | ||
Magic SysRq Key | A PDF of the Wikipedia article | ||||
Disk Partitioning Guide | Describes when and when not to create disk partitions | Dual Booting | Shows how to set up a dual boot system | ||
Fedora Sys Admin Guide: GRUB | Fedora documentation for GRUB, but a bit old | GRUB Official documentation | Up-to-date and complete GRUB documentation | ||
Grub Legacy Sample Config | Shows the simple Grub 1 configuration file format, with a few entries | Grub 2 Sample config | Shows the generated grub.cfg file |
File Systems | Comparison and Description of many Filesystem types (Wikipedia.org) | Intel Architecture | Shows IA32 (traditional) architecture. See also Intel's P55 architecture | ||
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard | A description of the standard directories on Linux
(See latest version)
See also hier(7)
for Linux, and
filesystem(5) for Solaris |
Pre Install Questions | Questions you need to answer before installing anything, such as capacity planning | ||
Storage Technology | Hard disk and related technology | PCTechGuide.com | An overview of PC hardware (including disks) | ||
LVM Guide | Linux Logical Volume Management Guide (See also the Red Hat LVM Administration Guide) | Fedora 31 install guide | Shows screen-shots and descriptions of each step | ||
Dell Support | Lookup System inventories of Dell computers by service tag | Post Install Task List | Lists and briefly describes many post install tasks | ||
X Window System Overview | How to use and configure the GUI system | Solaris LOM | Documentation for Solaris 11 LOM (lights out management) | ||
Configuration, Patch, and Package Management | An overview of configuration management, patch management, and package management (lecture notes) | Infrastructures.org | An collection of automated systems configuration best practices | ||
Centralization and Decentralization | A brief overview of Centralized policy and control issues | yum.conf | A sample yum.conf file for Fedora Linux |
CheckInstall | Link to checkInstall homepage, a program that builds
RPM packages by watching builds via
make install |
Patching the Enterprise | Detailed discussion of patch management issues and solutions from ACM Queue Magazine, March 2005 issue | ||
alien home | Link to homepage of alien , the package converter |
RPM options | A summary of frequently used rpm command-line tool options | ||||
Change Management | An overview of change management for system administrators | Help Desk Organization | An overview of help desk setup | ||
Wikipedia/DevOps | A brief explanation of DevOps (See also IBM's DevOps for Dummies, and especially the Rackspace DevOps YouTube video (7 minutes)) | Help Desk Chat Log | An actual on-line help session, showing best practices in action | ||
HCC Obtaining Services from OIT | Explains when and how tickets are created, and how issue priorities are determined (2017) | ||||
Hardware Components | Some graphics of various computer hardware components | Hardware Management | Lecture notes on physically managing ESD while adding or removing hardware such as RAM, NICs, and disks, and software concepts of managing hardware (major and minor numbers, udev and devfs, HAL, D-BUS, ...). | ||
udev-info | Some notes on Linux udev subsystem for managing devices | Linux kernel documentation | See (for example) the files devices.txt and
devices.rst in the directory admin-guide |
Sensor Statistics | Some graphics of various hardware probe values, over time | ISA Plug-and-Play | A short how-to on configuring legacy ISA-PnP devices | ||
Disaster Recovery | Outlines major issues for disaster recovery policies and procedures (Learn how to prepare yourself for disaster - Red Cross) | Disaster Recovery Planning: Preparing For The Unthinkable | by Jon Toigo. Sample chapter posted by InformIT, courtesy of Prentice-Hall PTR (now Pearson Education) | ||
www.webmin.com | A GUI administration tool for all Unix and Linux systems | find command tip | Shows how to use find to locate files modified
by an administration tool |
StartupScript.txt | Sample startup shell scripts (/etc/init.d/foo) for a foo server | System V init files | From /usr/share/doc/initscripts-7.42.2 on Fedora | ||
/etc/inittab | Sample System V /etc/inittab file |
Anacron Overview | Short tutorial on using anacron | ||
Upstart documentation | From the Ubuntu website | Systemd documentation | systemd man pages and system admin tutorials (See also the systemd home and the original systemd home) | ||
Solaris SMF quick start guide | An overview of Solaris 10's service management facility,
the replacement for “Sys V init ” |
Solaris Introduction to SMF | A complete description of SMF from the Solaris Administrator's Guide | ||
Description of /etc/sysconfig files | Describes the files and options for Red Hat-like systems (e.g., Fedora) | Networking Basics | Reviews the concepts of networking addresses, port numbers, and services | ||
modules.conf | Sample /etc/modules.conf file showing some complex features | Changing Kernel Parameters | shows using /proc and sysctl |
Unix file permissions | More than you wanted to know about Unix permissions | Octal Number Chart | Shows how to use octal numbers with chmod and
umask |
/etc/sudoers | A sample /etc/sudoers file |
RBAC | Solaris Role Based Access Control Demo | ||
PAM Tutorial | Shows how to configure and use PAM. (See also Solaris PAM Guide | Linux PAM Sys Admin's Guide | Shows how to configure and use PAM | ||
sFTP Reference | Guide for using cmd line secure FTP program | Public key encryption | A tutorial on encryption, digital signatures, Internet security, etc. | ||
RCS Demo | A sample session using RCS with a shell script | ||||
Database Basics | Lecture notes on Databases and SQL | PostgreSQL.org | PostgreSQL database website | ||
MySQL installation | Directions to install MySQL on Solaris 10 | MySQL | MySQL database website (See also MariaDB and Percona) | ||
Interactive SQL Tutorial | sqlzoo.net is one of the best SQL tutorials you can find on the Internet | SQL Tutorial | Another SQL tutorial, from w3schools.com | ||
About ping | The real story of the ping utility |
www.cisco.com/.../SNMP.htm | A tutorial on SNMP | ||
Printing System Overview | Shows how printing works. (See also LinuxPrinting.org.) | Set up Samba as a Print Server | Shows how to setup an SMB local printer server (See also PrintManager.com) | ||
International Paper Sizes | An overview of ISO-216 paper sizes | Solaris 8 Printing Setup | Shows how to setup a local printer using cmd-line admin tools | ||
User Account Policies | A list of questions to ask before creating new user accounts | Group management | Describes Unix group policies and management strategies | ||
Deleting user accounts | Procedures, policies, and issues for removing accounts | Manage disk quotas | A through tutorial from IBM | ||
crontab reference | Shows crontab file syntax | at command syntax | Some at samples of entering times and dates,
and other info |
Regular Expressions | Shows Regular Expression (“regex”) syntax | AWK FAQ | AWK Frequently Asked Questions | ||
regexlib.com | A library of useful regular expressions | regular-expressions.info | Tutorial for Regular Expressions (There are many of these) | ||
Regular Expression Comic 1 | How to make regular expressions (Copied on 8/30/2024 from x.com/garabatokid/) | Regular Expression Comic 2 | The importance of regular expressions (From xkcd.com) | ||
Anonymous FTP Site Setup | Shows how to setup and configure WU-FTP | Backups and Archives | A tutorial on backup and archive policy, procedures, and tools | ||
Shell Scripts (and Other Demos) | |||||
LDP: Bash scripting guide and reference) | Shows how to write Bash shell scripts. Complete Bash man page | SSC's Bash shell reference card (PDF) | (Posted here by permission of SSC, Inc.) | ||
fancyio | Shows how to write interactive shell scripts | fortune | A fortune cookie script (plus some sample fortunes) | ||
nusers | Shows a simple shell script | nusers.1 | Sample man page for nusers, using troff/man macros | ||
backup-etc.sh | A simple shell script to backup /etc directory | httpd.sh | Apache script for use in rc.d/init.d | ||
.bashrc | Some useful bash shell aliases and functions | .bash_profile | A simple Bash login script | ||
.procmailrc | A sample .procmailrc that auto-replies and filters spam | find-world-writable | A security script that shows all dangerous world writable files | ||
add-users | A complex script used to add users in batches | rmusr | remove user accounts in a batch | ||
todo | A simple "todo list" shell script | didit | Simple shell script, used with “todo” script | ||
didit2 | Shell script, used with “todo” script | didit3 | Fancy shell script, used with “todo” script | ||
pick | interactive selection script | watch | Shows how to write shell and awk scripts | ||
suidDemo.tgz | Shows how suid can be used to control access to files | hellotk.pl | A Perl/Tk GUI script (Hello, World) |