(This project is worth 10 points.)
How one accesses the Internet greatly impacts how they interact, what they experience, how - and if - they download files, how they send and receive mail, and whether they remain online all the time or connect only temporarily.
Dial-up services generally provide slower, temporary access to the Internet. The user dials a local or toll-free telephone number much like making a regular voice telephone call. Upon completing the immediate task, the user disconnects.
Cable and digital telephone services like ISDN and DSL permit high-speed access thus improving multimedia activities and file downloading. Cable services can provide continuous, near-permanent connections allowing continuous, near-immediate receipt of mail access without need for dial-up and login.
Prior to attempting an Application Assignment submission, please practice with the Practice Assignment. You have only ONE submission attempt allowed. You cannot submit a second attempt so be careful and follow the directions.
Be sure to save as “Web page, HTML
”, and not “Web page, Complete
or any other type.
Student Name: replace these seven words with your name
Use a search engine to locate the Websites of two different types of Internet Service Providers(ISPs). Find ONE dial-up telephone line service and ONE service provider that uses alternative means of connecting - that is cable, DSL, or satellite. Using their Websites, find out the following information for each of them.
Copyright ©2016 by Wayne Pollock
[Adapted from an assignment by Michael L. Moats.
Used by permission.]