CGS-1555 ISP Search Project

(This project is worth 10 points.)

Purpose and Background

How one accesses the Internet greatly impacts how they interact, what they experience, how - and if - they download files, how they send and receive mail, and whether they remain online all the time or connect only temporarily.

Dial-up services generally provide slower, temporary access to the Internet. The user dials a local or toll-free telephone number much like making a regular voice telephone call. Upon completing the immediate task, the user disconnects.

Cable and digital telephone services like ISDN and DSL permit high-speed access thus improving multimedia activities and file downloading. Cable services can provide continuous, near-permanent connections allowing continuous, near-immediate receipt of mail access without need for dial-up and login.

Submission Instructions

Prior to attempting an Application Assignment submission, please practice with the Practice Assignment.  You have only ONE submission attempt allowed.  You cannot submit a second attempt so be careful and follow the directions.

  1. Using the same submission steps as with the practice assignment, save this file to your computer as “isp.htm”.  Be sure to save as “Web page, HTML only”, and not “Web page, Complete” or any other type.
  2. Enter the following information here:

    Student Name: replace these seven words with your name

  3. Search the Internet for answers to the questions asked below. Then enter your answers to each question on this page, putting each answer right after each question.
  4. Using the same file saving steps as with the practice assignment, save the edited file as “isp.htm”.
  5. Return to Canvas, and follow the directions to select, upload and submit the completed file to the correct drop-box.
  6. Note that improperly completed and/or improperly identified mail WILL NOT be graded.

Assignment Directions

Use a search engine to locate the Websites of two different types of Internet Service Providers(ISPs). Find ONE dial-up telephone line service and ONE service provider that uses alternative means of connecting - that is cable, DSL, or satellite. Using their Websites, find out the following information for each of them.

First Provider:

  1. Who are they?
  2. Do they offer a free trial period? If so, how long?
  3. Is there a sign-up or software activation fee? How much is it?
  4. What is the monthly cost? How much time does it provide?
  5. What kind of software will you need?
  6. Do they provide software?
  7. What type connection do they use (Cable, dial-up, DSL, Fiber)?
  8. What is the maximum connection speed available (56Kbps, 128Kbps, 12Mbps)?
  9. What kind of technical support does the ISP provide?
  10. Does the ISP provide you with space on their server for your own web page?
  11. Does the ISP offer any special services that make it attractive?


Second Provider:

  1. Who are they?
  2. Do they offer a free trial period? If so, how long?
  3. Is there a sign-up or software activation fee? How much is it?
  4. What is the monthly cost? How much time does it provide?
  5. What kind of software will you need?
  6. Do they provide software?
  7. What type connection do they use (Cable, dial-up, DSL, Fiber)?
  8. What is the maximum connection speed available (56Kbps, 128Kbps, 12Mbps)?
  9. What kind of technical support does the ISP provide?
  10. Does the ISP provide you with space on their server for your own web page?
  11. Does the ISP offer any special services that make it attractive?

Copyright ©2016 by Wayne Pollock
[Adapted from an assignment by Michael L. Moats.  Used by permission.]