
// This application checks the command line arguments to see if they
// form a palindrome: text that reads the same forward or backward.
// When checking, spaces and punctuation marks are ignored, and so
// is the case of the text.  Examples include "Never odd or even."
// and "Don't nod!".
// Written 11/2010 by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA

class Palindrome
   public static void main ( String [] args )
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      for ( String word : args )
         sb.append( word );

      // Strip out non text, and convert case:
      String text = sb.toString().toUpperCase();
      text = text.replaceAll( "[^A-Z0-9]*", "" );

      System.out.println( isPalindrome( text ) );


   // This is a recursive method:
   private static boolean isPalindrome ( String text )
      int len = text.length();
      // no or 1 letter text is a palindrome:
      if ( len <= 1 )
         return true;

      // check if first character equals the last:
      if ( text.charAt(0) != text.charAt(len-1) )
         return false;  // not a palindrome!

      // If first == last, then check the middle:
      return isPalindrome( text.substring(1,len-1) );