
// Display some bouncing hoops.  This more complex
// applet version eliminates the "flicker" of the text.
// Written by Wayne Pollock, Tampa, FL USA, 1999
// Modified 2002 to stop a Thread the safe way.
// Modified 2011 to use the applet's actual width; the
//   "-4" accounts for a 4 pixel border around the edge
//   of the applet.

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class HoopsApp extends Applet implements Runnable
   int appletWidth;
   int hoopDiameter = 40;
   int dir = 1;  // "1" for forward, "-1" for backward.
   int hoop1_pos;
   int hoop2_pos;
   volatile Thread t;  // must be volitile to prevent memory consistency errors

   public void init ()
      appletWidth  = getWidth();
      hoop1_pos = 4;
      hoop2_pos = appletWidth - 4 - hoopDiameter;
      setBackground( Color.cyan );
      setLayout( null );
      Label myLabel = new Label( "Bouncing Hoops!" );
      myLabel.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 24 ) );
      myLabel.setBounds( new Rectangle( 60, 160, 200, 30 ) );
      add( myLabel );

   public void start ()   // Applet's start method, not Thread's.
      t = new Thread( this );
      t.start();            // Starts the animation.

   public void stop ()
      //t.stop(); // Thread.stop is very dangerous and is no longer used.
      t = null;

   public void run ()
      for ( ;; )
      {  try
         {  Thread.sleep( 30 );
         } catch ( InterruptedException ie ) {}

         if ( t == null )  // if so, stop() was called.

   public void update( Graphics g )
      paint( g );

   public void paint ( Graphics g )
      // Erase previous hoops:
      g.setColor( Color.cyan );
      g.drawOval( hoop1_pos, 60, hoopDiameter, hoopDiameter );
      g.drawOval( hoop2_pos, 60, hoopDiameter, hoopDiameter );

      // Draw the hoops in their new positions:
      if ( hoop1_pos >= ((appletWidth/2) - hoopDiameter - 1)
           || hoop1_pos < 4 )
         dir = -dir;
      hoop1_pos += dir * 3;
      hoop2_pos -= dir * 3;
      g.setColor( Color.red );
      g.drawOval( hoop1_pos, 60, hoopDiameter, hoopDiameter );
      g.setColor( Color.blue );
      g.drawOval( hoop2_pos, 60, hoopDiameter, hoopDiameter );