
<APPLET CODE="HeavyLight" WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="85">

// HeavyLight Applet showing the difference between heavyweight and
// lightweight components.
// Adopted from "Graphic Java 1.2: Mastering the JFC", 3rd Edition,
// Volume 1, (C) 1999 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Published by Prentice-Hall.
// Written by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA, March 2000.
// Updated 2004.

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class HeavyLight extends Applet
   private Image dining, paper;

   public void init ()
      dining = getImage( getClass().getResource( "Dining.gif" ) );
      paper  = getImage( getClass().getResource( "paper.gif" ) );
      MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker( this );
         mt.addImage( dining, 0 );
         mt.addImage( paper, 1 );
      catch( InterruptedException e )  {  e.printStackTrace();  }
      if ( mt.isErrorAny() )
         dining = paper = null;

      setLayout( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.CENTER, 40, 18 ) );
      add( new Heavyweight( dining ) );
      add( new Lightweight( dining ) );
      setBackground( Color.white );
      setVisible( true );

   public void paint ( Graphics g )
      if ( paper == null )
         g.drawString( "Error loading images!", 30, 45 );
      wallPaper( g, paper );  // paint the background first...
      super.paint( g );       // ...before painting components!

   public void wallPaper ( Graphics  g, Image image )
      Dimension myArea = getSize();
      int tileWidth = image.getWidth( this );
      int tileHeight = image.getHeight( this );

      for ( int row = 0; row < myArea.width; row += tileWidth )
         for ( int col = 0; col < myArea.height; col += tileHeight )
            g.drawImage( image, row, col, this );

class Lightweight extends Component // Component has no peer, so is lightweight
   private Image image;
   private Dimension mySize;

   public Lightweight ( Image im )
      image = im;
      mySize = new Dimension( image.getWidth( this ), image.getHeight( this ) );

   public void paint ( Graphics g )  {  g.drawImage( image, 0, 0, this );  }

   public Dimension getPreferredSize ()  {  return mySize;  }

class Heavyweight extends Panel  // Panel has a peer, so is heavyweight.
   private Image image;
   private Dimension mySize;

   public Heavyweight ( Image im )
      image = im;
      mySize = new Dimension( image.getWidth( this ), image.getHeight( this ) );

   public void paint ( Graphics g )  {  g.drawImage( image, 0, 0, this );  }

   public Dimension getPreferredSize ()  {  return mySize;  }