
// DeansList.java - A program to read in a bunch of student records
// from a file, and print all student names who have a GPA greater than
// 3.0 (the cut-off for making the Dean's list).  The file format is:
//    count_of_records (int) <newline>
//    name (String) <tab> GPA (double) <newline>
// The file name is passed as a command line argument to the program.
// Storing the data in a collection is NOT required in this case,
// since the data only needs to be processed once.  Compare this with the
// program AverageGPA.java.
// Written 2018 Wayne Pollock, Tampa FL USA.

import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.*;

public class DeansList {
   final static double DEANS_LIST_MINIMUM__GPA = 3.00;

   public static void main ( String [] args ) {
      Scanner in;

      // Filename should be a file in (or relative to) the current directory:
      if ( args.length != 1 ) {
         System.out.println( "\nUsage: java DeansList <name_of_datafile>"
            + "\n(example: java DeansList StudentRecords.txt)" );

      try {  // Make a Scanner from the filename:
         in = new Scanner( Paths.get(args[0]) );
         in.nextLine();  // Throw away the count of records line.
         // Use tabs and newlines as field delimiters for rest of file:
         in.useDelimiter( "[\\t\\r\\n]" );
      catch ( Exception e ) {
         System.err.println( "\n*** Could not read number of records from file"
            + " (the first line).\n" + e.toString() );

      // Display a title for the output list:
         "%n Students on Dean's List (GPA greater than %.2f):%n%n",

      boolean atLeastOne = false;
      while ( in.hasNextLine() ) {
         try {
            String name = in.next();  // Read up to a tab
            double GPA = in.nextDouble();
            in.nextLine();  // Skip over the newline

            if ( GPA > DEANS_LIST_MINIMUM__GPA ) {
               System.out.printf( "\t%-18s (%.2f)%n", name, GPA );
               atLeastOne = true;
         catch ( InputMismatchException ime ) {
            System.err.println( "Error: Badly formatted input data" );
            return;  // TODO probably should continue, to just skip bad data.

      if ( ! atLeastOne ) {
         System.out.println("   (No students made the Dean's list this time.)");