Download Point.java
1: /** Class Point represents a point in a Cartesian plane.
2: * "x" is the distance from the left edge and "y" is the distance
3: * from the bottom edge.
4: * @author Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA
5: */
7: /* This trivial class demonstrates four common methods that
8: * "production quality" classes should implement; three override
9: * inherited methods from class Object. Adding objects of this
10: * class to collections requires these methods.
11: *
12: * Take note of the generic Comparable interface used, and the
13: * fact that Point is immutable; there was no real need to add
14: * "getX" and "getY" methods, although you can if desired. There
15: * is also no point in added a clone or copy constructor.
16: */
18: public class Point implements Comparable<Point> {
19: public final int x, y;
21: public Point ( int x, int y ) {
22: this.x = x;
23: this.y = y;
24: }
26: /** Compare two points for equality: x == x && y == y. */
27: @Override
28: public boolean equals ( Object other ) {
29: if ( this == other ) return true;
30: if ( other == null ) return false;
31: if ( ! (other instanceof Point) ) return false;
32: Point otherPoint = (Point) other;
33: return ( x == otherPoint.x && y == otherPoint.y );
34: }
36: //* Compute hash code using both x and y. */
37: @Override
38: public int hashCode () {
39: int result = 17;
40: result = 37 * result + x;
41: result = 37 * result + y;
42: return result;
43: }
45: /** Displays a Point as "(x,y)". */
46: @Override
47: public String toString () {
48: return "(" + x + "," + y + ")";
49: }
51: /** Compares two Points.
52: * Define the order as X, then Y (so "(1,5) < (2,2)"):
53: */
54: public int compareTo ( Point other ) {
55: if ( other == null )
56: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument must not be null." );
58: if ( x == other.x )
59: return y - other.y;
60: else
61: return x - other.x;
62: }
64: /** Determines the relative horizontal position of two Points. */
65: public boolean isLeftOf ( Point other ) {
66: if ( other == null )
67: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument must not be null." );
68: return x < other.x;
69: }
71: /** Determines the relative vertical position of two Points. */
72: public boolean isAbove ( Point other ) {
73: if ( other == null )
74: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument must not be null." );
75: return y > other.y;
76: }
78: // Demo using these methods:
79: public static void main ( String [] args ) {
80: Point p1 = new Point(1,2);
81: Point p2 = new Point(2,1);
83: System.out.println( "p1: " + p1 );
84: System.out.println( "p2: " + p2 );
85: System.out.println( p1 + (p1.isLeftOf(p2) ? " is left" : " is right")
86: + " of " + p2 );
87: System.out.println( p1 + (p1.isAbove(p2) ? " is above " : " is below ")
88: + p2 );
89: System.out.println( "p1.equals(p2) = " + p1.equals(p2) );
90: System.out.println( "p1.compareTo(p2) = " + p1.compareTo(p2) );
91: System.out.println( "p1.hashCode() = " + p1.hashCode() );
92: System.out.println( "p2.hashCode() = " + p2.hashCode() );
93: }
94: }