
 1: // This class shows how to work with I18n strings, since not
 2: // all Unicode characters (code points) can be stored in a Java
 3: // "char" (or code unit).  So to iterate over the characters in
 4: // a string the old code of:
 5: //     for ( int i=0; i<str.length(); ++i) {
 6: //        char c = str.charAt(i); ...;
 7: //     }
 8: // needs to be converted to something like the for loop shown below.
 9: //
10: // Written 1/2010 by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA
12: import static java.lang.Character.toChars;
13: import static java.lang.Integer.toHexString;
14: import static java.lang.String.*;
15: import static java.lang.System.*;
17: public class CodePointDemo
18: {
19:  public static void main ( String [] args )
20:  {
22:   // If user supplies a string (word), use it; else
23:   // use a sample string containing weird Unicode:
24:   String str = args != null && args.length>0 ?
25:                   args[0] : "A G-clef: \"\uD834\uDD1E\".";
27:   // For each character, do something:
28:   for ( int i=0; i<str.length(); i = str.offsetByCodePoints(i, 1) ) {
29:     int cp = str.codePointAt(i);
31:     // To demo how, show the index, the char (may not display
32:     // correctly without an appropriate font), and the hex values:
33:     out.println( i + ": \"" + new String(toChars(cp))
34:        + "\" (0x" + toHexString(cp) + ")" );
35:   }
36:  }
37: }