
// Demo showing how to create and then access a complex data structure.
// This example shows a Map, with String keys and Set<Tuple> values.  A "Tuple"
// is demo of a generic class of a pair of values.
// Using a Set is good for this demo since Tuples are not "Comparable" and
// thus cannot be put in a sorted collection.
// Written 3/2017 by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA

import java.util.*;

class NestedMap {
    public static void main ( String[] args ) {
        Map<String, Set<Tuple<Integer,Integer>>> map =
            new TreeMap<>();

        // Add an item to the map, with the key "foo":
        String key = "foo";
        // Create a Set named "set" for the value:
        Set<Tuple<Integer,Integer>> set = new HashSet<>();

        set.add( new Tuple<Integer,Integer>( 1, 2 ) );
        set.add( new Tuple<Integer,Integer>( 1, 3 ) );
        set.add( new Tuple<Integer,Integer>( 2, 2 ) );
        map.put( key, set );

        // Add more key-value pairs to the map...

        // Now access the Tuples from the map:
        Set<Tuple<Integer,Integer>> result = map.get( key );

        // Do something with the Tuple;  Here, just print it:
        System.out.print( "Key: " + key + ", value:" );
        result.forEach( (tuple) -> { System.out.print( " " + tuple ); } );
        // Same output as when using older (pre-Java 8) techniques:
        //   for (Tuple<Integer,Integer> t : result ) {
        //      System.out.print( " " + t );
        //   }

        // Could also use t.item1, t.item2, or t.getFirst(), t.getSecond().

// A generic class where each object is a pair of values (of any types):
class Tuple <T1, T2> {
    public final T1 item1;
    public final T2 item2;

    Tuple ( T1 t, T2 s ) {
        item1 = t;
        item2 = s;

    public T1 getFirst()  { return item1; }
    public T2 getSecond() { return item2; }

    public String toString() {
        return String.format( "(%s,%s)", item1, item2 );

    // The equals, hashCode, and compareTo methods are left as an exercise
    // for the reader.