
// Demo of using annotations (metadata).  Prior to annotations,
// you could (and still can) mark things deprecated by using
// a JavaDoc comment.  Even though it is a comment, the compiler
// is required to honor the tag:     /** @deprecated */ item
// The new way is much better!
// To see deprecation details, use "javac -deprecation".  To
// enable that and all other warnings too, use "javac -Xlint:all".
// You can define your own annotations, as shown below.
// Written 2/2014 by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA.

import java.awt.event.*;
import java.lang.annotation.*;

class Metadata {
   public int value = 1;

   public void aMethod () {
      System.out.println( "Old, deprecated method invoked!" );

   public void aNewMethod ()  {
      /* ... */

// A second class is needed because it is not considered an error
// to invoke a deprecated method from elsewhere in that same class!
public class MetadataDemo {
   public static void main ( String [] args ) {
      Metadata md = new Metadata();
      md.aNewMethod();         // Okay
      md.aMethod();            // Compiler warning
      int sum = 2 + md.value;  // Compiler warning

   @SuppressWarnings( "deprecation" )
   public static void noWarning ( Metadata md ) {
      md.aMethod();           // No warning, it is suppressed!

// Demo of using "Override" annotation that will cause a compiler error
// (The method contains a typo: a lower-case "c" for "windowClosing"):
class myWindowHandler extends WindowAdapter {
   public void windowclosing ( WindowEvent we ) { }

// Here's a marker annotation example:
@interface UglyCode {}

// And here's how it might be used:

class Foo {
   void aMethod ( int i, int[] list, int[] array ) {
      list[i++] += i++ * array[++i];

// Here is a definition of a new annotation type, to label code
// with the bug numbers that caused the code to be updated:
// (From "The Java Programming Language" 4th Ed, page 392.)
// Note the name "value" should not be changed, or the short-cut
// usage doesn't work!
@interface BugsFixed {
   String [] value ();  // An array initialization, not a method.

class SomeComplexClass {
  @BugsFixed( "12345" )
  public void someMethod() {
      // ...
      int foo = 17;
      // ...
      @BugsFixed( value="56789" )  // Also works.
      int bar = 22;
      // ...
      @BugsFixed( {"56789", "12543"} )  // Note the array literal.
      int baz = 3;