
// Generic Class, SoftReference, and WeakReference Demo
// This class creates a generic class Cache that uses soft references,
// so when the system runs low on memory items will be deleted.  To
// improve performance further, when some item has been garbage collected
// the entry is deleted from the map completely.
// The cache uses generics to allow a cache of anything, such as filenames
// to Image objects.  (Here I only use String and Date.)
// In addition a WeakHashMap is used for the same purpose.  The output
// shows what happens when the garbage collector is run.
// Written 3/2010 by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA

import java.lang.ref.*;
import java.util.*;

class Cache <T>
   Map<String,SoftReference<T>> cache =
      new HashMap<String,SoftReference<T>>();

   public T get ( String name )
      SoftReference<T> ref = cache.get( name );
      T item = null;

      if ( ref != null )
         item = ref.get();
         if ( item == null )
            cache.remove( name );  // clean out cache
         return item;
      return null;

   public void put ( String name, T item )
      cache.put( name, new SoftReference<T>(item) );

public class GenericRefDemo
   public static void main ( String [] args )
      Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

      System.out.println("\n****** Cache Using Soft References ******\n\n");
      Cache<Date> birthday = new Cache<Date>();
      Date d = cal.getTime();
      birthday.put( "Wayne", d);
      cal.set(1809, 2, 12);
      d = cal.getTime();
      birthday.put( "Abe", d);

      System.out.println("Lincoln's Birthday: " + birthday.get("Abe") );
      System.out.println("Washington's Birthday: " + birthday.get("George") );
      System.out.println("\n(Ran garbage collector)\n");
      System.out.println("Lincoln's Birthday: " + birthday.get("Abe") );

      System.out.println("\n\n****** Using Weak References *******\n\n");

      Map<String,Date> map = new WeakHashMap<String,Date>();
      String name = new String("Lincoln");
      cal.set(2009, 4, 1);
      d = cal.getTime();

      map.put(name, d);  // Try this using a String literal for name!
      System.out.println("Lincoln's Birthday: " + map.get("Lincoln") );
      System.out.println("\n(Ran garbage collector)\n");
      System.out.println("Lincoln's Birthday: " + map.get("Lincoln") );

      name = null;
      System.out.println("\n(Ran garbage collector after nulling out \"name\")");
      System.out.println("Lincoln's Birthday: " + map.get("Lincoln") );