
// Demo of Java 8 Stream and generators.  In this class, fibStream returns
// a Stream of Longs where each element is a Fibonacci number.  This
// is an infinite sequence, so we limit the number of elements.
// Written 11/2016 by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA, based on code from
// Wikipedia <en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generator_%28computer_programming%29#Java>

import java.util.function.*;
import java.util.stream.*;

public class FibonacciStream {
   public static void main ( String[] args ) {
      int num = 0;
      try {
         num = Integer.parseInt( args[0] );
         if ( num < 0 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Must be a positive Integer" );
      } catch ( Exception e ) {
         System.err.println( "Usage: java FibonacciStream <num>\n"
            + "\twhere <num> is a positive Integer" );
         System.exit( 1 );

      System.out.println("Fibonacci numbers: fib(0) through fib(" + num + "):" );
      // Print the first num-th Fibonacci numbers:
      // (Note, the "+1" is because most people forget that the first one is
      // fib(0); when someone says they want the 10th Fibonacci number, they
      // usually mean fib(10), but that is the 11-th Fibonacci number!)
      fibStream(num+1).forEach( System.out::println );

    * Generate a Stream of Fibonacci numbers.
    * @param num the length of the sequence desired.
    * @return Stream<Long of the given length, of Fibonacci numbers.
   private static Stream<Long> fibStream ( int num ) {
      // Pass an anonymous local class to Stream.generate:
      Stream<Long> myStream = Stream.generate( new Supplier<Long>() {
          long previous = 0, next = 1;

          public Long get () {
              long current = previous;
              previous = next;
              next = previous + current;
              return current;
      return myStream.limit( num );

public Iterable<Long> fibonacci(int limit){
    return ()->{
        return Stream.generate(new Supplier<Long>() {
            long previous = 0, next = 1;

            public Long get() {
                long current = previous;
                previous = next;
                next = previous + current;
                return current;

// this could then be used as...
for (int f: fibonacci(10)) {
