
// This code demonstrates the creation and use of an embedded Derby
// database.  If the DB doesn't exist it is created, a couple of records
// are inserted, and the results of a query are displayed.
// When run, the embedded DB is created in a sub-directory called "DerbyDemoDB",
// of the current directory.  Also, the text file derby.log is created in the
// current directory.
// Written 4/2009 by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA
// Updated 4/2013 by WP: Fixed problem of dropping a non-existent table;
//                       Could ignore Exception instead of testing.
// Updated 3/2019 by WP: Updated directions.

import java.sql.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class DerbyDemo {

   public static void main ( String [] args ) {

      String dbName="DerbyDemoDB";
      String connectionURL = "jdbc:derby:" + dbName + ";create=true";
       // The ";create=true" will create the DB if not created yet.

      String SQL_CreateTable = "create table addresses ( "
      + "ID     int not null generated always as identity "
      + "       (start with 1000), "
      + "lname  varchar(40) not null, fname varchar(40) not null, "
      + "phone  varchar(14), notes varchar(256), "
      + "primary key (ID) )";

      // This SQL inserts three records into the addresses table:
      String SQL_Insert = "insert into addresses "
      + "(lname, fname, phone, notes) values "
      + "('Pollock', 'Wayne', '253-7213', 'Professor'), "
      + "('Piffl', 'Hymie', NULL, 'Fake student name'), "
      + "('Jojo', 'Mojo', NULL, 'Super-villan')";

      String SQL_Query = "SELECT * FROM addresses";

      Connection con = null;
      Statement stmnt = null;

      // Try to connect to the DB:
      try {
         con = DriverManager.getConnection( connectionURL );
      } catch ( Exception e ) {
         System.err.println( "**** Cannot open connection to "
            + dbName + "!" );

      // Drop (delete) the table if it exists.  This is common for demo code,
      // otherwise every time you run the code, it keeps adding copies of the
      // data.  Current versions of Derby throw an Exception if you try to drop
      // a non-existing table, so check if it is there first:

      if ( tableExists( con, "addresses" ) )  {
      System.out.println ( "Dropping table addresses..." );
         try {
            stmnt = con.createStatement();
            stmnt.executeUpdate( "DROP TABLE addresses" );
         } catch ( SQLException e ) {
            String theError = e.getSQLState();
            System.out.println( "Can't drop table: " + theError );

      // Create the table addresses if it doesn't exist:
      if ( ! tableExists( con, "addresses" ) )  {
         System.out.println ( "Creating table addresses..." );
         try {
            stmnt = con.createStatement();
            stmnt.execute( SQL_CreateTable );
         } catch ( SQLException e ) {
            String theError = e.getSQLState();
            System.out.println( "Can't create table: " + theError );

      // Insert records into table (Note if you run this code twice
      // the same people get added but with different IDs):
      try {
         stmnt = con.createStatement();
         System.out.println ( "Inserting rows into table addresses..." );
         stmnt.executeUpdate( SQL_Insert );  // Add some rows
      } catch ( SQLException e ) {
         String theError = e.getSQLState();
         System.out.println( "Can't insert rows in table: " + theError );

      // Query the table and display the results:
      try {
         stmnt = con.createStatement();
         // This is dangerous if the query string contains any external text!
         ResultSet rs = stmnt.executeQuery( SQL_Query );
         displayResults( rs );

         // When not using your own data in SQL statement, you should use
         // PreparedStatements instead of Statements, to prevent SQL injection
         // attacks (a common security vulnerability in "textbook-quality"
         // code).  Here's an example to query the table with untrusted user data:

         // The SQL Query to use (note case-insensitive comparison):
         String dangerousQuery =

         // Create a prepared statement to use:
         PreparedStatement pStmnt = con.prepareStatement( dangerousQuery );

         // Get the last name to query for, from the user:
         String lastName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
            "Please enter a last name to search for: " );

         if ( lastName != null ) {
            // Safely substitute data for "?" in query:
            // (Note there are many type-checking set* methods, e.g. "setInt")
            pStmnt.setString( 1, lastName );
            ResultSet lastNameSearchResults = pStmnt.executeQuery();
            System.out.println( "\n\tResults of last name query for \""
               + lastName + "\"" );
            displayResults( lastNameSearchResults );

      } catch ( SQLException e ) {
         String theError = e.getSQLState();
         System.out.println("Can't query table: " + theError );

      // Shut down all databases and the Derby engine, when done.  Note,
      // Derby always throws an Exception when shutdown, so ignore it:
      System.out.println ( "Shutting down the database..." );
      try {
      } catch ( SQLException e ) {} // empty: ignore exception

      // Note that nothing breaks if you don't cleanly shut down Derby, but
      // it will start in recovery mode next time (which takes longer to start).


      // Derby doesn't support the standard SQL views.  To see if a table
      // exists you normally query the right view and see if any rows are
      // returned (none if no such table, one if table exists).  Derby
      // does support a non-standard set of views which are complicated,
      // but standard JDBC supports a DatabaseMetaData.getTables method.
      // That returns a ResultSet but not one where you can easily count
      // rows by "rs.last(); int numRows = rs.getRow()".  Hence the loop.

      private static boolean tableExists ( Connection con, String table ) {
      int numRows = 0;
      try {
         DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
         // Note the args to getTables are case-sensitive!
         ResultSet rs = dbmd.getTables( null, "APP", table.toUpperCase(), null);
         while( rs.next() ) ++numRows;
      } catch ( SQLException e ) {
         String theError = e.getSQLState();
         System.out.println("Can't query DB metadata: " + theError );
      return numRows > 0;

   private static void displayResults ( ResultSet rs ) {
      // Collect meta-data:
      try {
         ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();
         String catalog = meta.getCatalogName(1);
         String schema  = meta.getSchemaName(1);
         String table   = meta.getTableName(1);
         int numColumns = meta.getColumnCount();

         // Display results:
         System.out.print( "\n\t\t---" );
         if ( catalog != null && catalog.length() > 0 )
            System.out.print( " Catalog: " + catalog );
         if ( schema != null && schema.length() > 0 )
            System.out.print( " Schema: " + schema );

         System.out.println( ", Table: " + table + " ---\n" );

         for ( int i = 1; i <= numColumns; ++i )
            System.out.printf( "%-12s", meta.getColumnLabel( i ) );

         while ( rs.next() ) {     // Fetch next row, quit when no rows left.
            for ( int i = 1; i <= numColumns; ++i ) {
               String val = rs.getString( i );
               if ( val == null )
                  val = "(null)";
               System.out.printf( "%-12s", val );
      } catch ( SQLException e ) {
         String theError = e.getSQLState();
         System.out.println("Can't view resultSet: " + theError );