Java Modifier Reference Chart

Java Modifier Reference Chart
   Modifier  C F M L  Description 
(or access)
private C F M   The scope is the enclosing class.  (It is possible to nest one class in another.)
      (no scope modifier) C F M   Commonly referred to as package-private, the scope is all classes in the enclosing (current) package. 
protected   F M   The scope is the enclosing package (just as with package-private) plus any classes that extend the enclosing class.
public C F M   The scope is the entire program (all classes).
static C F M   The methods or properties become members of the enclosing class object, not of instance objects of that class.
final C F M L This modifier means the item can't be modified.  For variables this makes them constants.  final methods can't be over-riddenfinal classes can't be extended.
strictfp     M   All floating point operations will be done according to the IEEE Floating-point standard, even if the floating-point hardware in the CPU doesn't meet the standard.  (As of 2020, all CPUs used in standard computers support the SSE2 hardware extension, which means they support IEEE-754.  Thus, strictfp is no longer useful and as of Java 17 you will get compiler warnings if you use this modifier or the StrictMath class.)
abstract C   M   abstract classes may contain abstract methods, which must be over-ridden in extended classes.
volatile   F     Ignore any local cache and fetch (and write) the variable directly from (and to) RAM.  Useful in multi-threaded applications.
synchronized     M   Used for multi-threading to prevent two threads from executing the same block of code at the same time.  (synchrolized blocks are also allowed.)
transient   F     Used for serialization when objects must be saved in files (or sent across a network).  Any transient properties will not be saved (or sent).
native     M   Used when implementing the JRE methods to allow the JVM to execute non-Java (usually C) code.  Any such methods make a program non-portable.

Chart Legend
The letters in the third column indicate to what the modifier may be applied:
layout table
C = class       F = field
M = method       L = local variable