// Some simple manipulators.  Note std C++ (1999) defines
// "left" and "right" and many others already.  Borland C++ v5.02
// doesn't have all the standard manipulators, but other compilers might,
// so I used "Left" not "left", and "Right" not "right" here.
// Written by Wayne Pollock, Tampa, FL, 1999.

#ifndef MYMANIPS_H
#define MYMANIPS_H

#include <iostream>


inline ostream& Left ( ostream& os )
{  os.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield );
   return os;


inline ostream& Right ( ostream& os )
{  os.setf( ios::right, ios::adjustfield );
   return os;


inline istream& Flush ( istream& in )
{  int num_of_chars_left = in.rdbuf()->in_avail();
   return in.ignore(num_of_chars_left);


inline istream& Rewind ( istream& in )
{  in.clear();
   return in;


// Test program for MyManips.h
// Written by Wayne Pollock, Tampa FL USA, 1999

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include "MyManips.h"

int main ()
{  char buf[256], word[256];

   cout << "Enter a short sentence: ";
   cin >> buf;
   cout << "First word was \"" << setw(12) << Left
        << buf << "\". (Skipping rest of line...)\n";
   cin >> Flush;

   cout << "Try it again, enter a few words: ";
   cin >> buf >> Flush;
   cout << "The first word on the new line was \""
        << setw( 12 ) << Right << buf << "\".\n\n";

   cout << "Type in one more line of text: ";
   cin.getline( buf, sizeof buf );
   istrstream in( buf );
   cout << "Here is your sentence:\n";
   while ( in >> word )
      cout << word << " ";
   cout << endl;
   in >> Rewind;
   cout << "\n\nHere is your sentence again:\n";
   while ( in >> word )
      cout << word << " ";
   cerr << "\n\nHit Enter to quit: ";
   cin.getline( buf, sizeof( buf ) );
   return 0;