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 * Choose.c - A program to calculate and print the value of
 * the choose function C(n, r).
 * This program is the model solution to Quiz #3 (take home).
 * It also illustrates a fancy input technique.
 * Written by Wayne Pollock,  2001 Tampa Florida USA.

#include <stdio.h>

#define OK 1

/* P R O T O T Y P E S */

int check ( int n, int r );                /* Checks if r < n */
unsigned long choose ( int n, int r );     /* Computes C(n,r) */
unsigned long fact ( unsigned long num );  /* Computes num!   */

int main ( void )
   int n, r;
   char line[BUFSIZ], junk[BUFSIZ];

   fprintf( stderr, "Enter positive integers n and r: " );
   if ( fgets( line, sizeof(line), stdin ) == NULL )
   {  fprintf( stderr, "*** ERROR!  End Of File encountered!\a\n" );
      return -1;
   if ( sscanf( line, "%i %i %s", &n, &r, junk ) != 2 )
   {  fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR!  You must enter exactly 2 numbers,"
            " separated by white space!\a\n" );
      return -2;
   if ( check( n, r ) != OK )
      return -3;
   printf( "C(%i,%i) = %lu.\n", n, r, choose( n, r ) );
   return 0;

int check ( int n, int r )
   if ( n < 0 || r < 0 )
   {  fprintf( stderr, "*** ERROR!  Numbers must be POSITIVE!\a\n" );
      return !OK;
   if ( r > n )
   {  fprintf( stderr, "*** ERROR!  n must be as large or larger "
            "than r!\a\n" );
      return !OK;
   return OK;

unsigned long fact ( unsigned long num )
   unsigned long result;

   for ( result = 1; num; --num )
      result *= num;
   return result;

unsigned long choose ( int n, int r )
   return ( fact(n) / fact(r) / fact(n-r) ); /* Note: A/(B*C) = A/B/C */

============================Output of Choose.c============================

Enter positive integers n and r: 5 2
C(5,2) = 10.

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