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<meta name="description" content="LDAP Sample Files">
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<title> LDAP Sample Files </title>

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<h1> <abbr>LDAP</abbr> Sample Configuration and Data Files </h1>
<h2 class="hide">&nbsp;</h2>

<div class="Indent">
   // Script to produce a list of links for all files in this directory.
   // Written 11/2009 by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA.  All Rights Reserved.
   // Updated 11/2013 to include "nodir" option to lister.php.

   function endsWith($whole, $end)
      return (strpos($whole, $end, strlen($whole) - strlen($end)) !== false);

   // Create a directory object for the current directory:
   $cwd = getcwd();
   if ( ! is_readable($cwd) )
   {  die( "$cwd is unreadable.\n" );
   $dir = dir( $cwd ) or die( $php_errormsg );

   // Determine the name of this script (so not to show it in list):
   $myPathArray = explode( '/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] );
   $last = count( $myPathArray ) - 1;
   $myName = $myPathArray[ $last ];

   // For each regular file in the current directory (except myself):
   while ( ($file = $dir->read()) !== false )
      if ( is_dir( $file ) or $file == $myName or $file == "lister.php" )
      {  continue;
	  if ( endsWith($file, '.gif') or endsWith($file, '.jpg') or endsWith($file, '.png') )
         echo "<p> View <a href=\"$file\">$file</a>\n";
         echo "</p>\n";
	  } else
         echo "<p> View <a href=\"lister.php?file=$file&amp;linenums&amp;dl&amp;nodir\">$file</a>\n";
         echo "</p>\n";

<script type="text/JavaScript"> <!--
   addFooter( "Question: LDAP Sample Configuration and Data Files" );
// --> </script>
    <p> This page was last updated by Wayne Pollock. </p>
