[ Copied 11-17-2008 from facweb.cs.depaul.edu/nsutcliffe/483-00Currwork/ ]

IS 483 Information Services and Operations

On Line Resources
(See weekly packets for links to required readings)

Links to useful resources --
 for a particular topic the resource covers, use the resource's search feature.

A useful search engine for finding articles  www.findarticles.com

A new search engine for finding research in the business area is http://www.authorityfinder.com/

The Darwin Leadership and Management Learning Center on Change Management which publishes a monthly web magazine devoted to change  in the IT area.. Has extensive links to other change management items.

This search engine for finding vendor research on numerous course topics  http://www.bitpipe.com/data/web/bp/bp_index.jsp

The Reengineering Resource Center is devoted to BPR (Business Process Reengineering) type issues and
  has some great articles on that and related topics: 

To find a multitude of articles that TechRepublic has published, here is the search site:

To get to TechRepublic and signup for their lists:

Some great web sites--

Topic Item
  These links may or may not work because they are not under our control. 
  They are a good starting point.
Unfilled Jobs
Steve Alexander, 2-8-99 InforWorld: 
Origins of a Shortfall from Infoworld 2/8/99     
         Discusses why there are no many unfilled jobs in IT 
The IT Eras 
IT history
IT Computing Era Characteristics   
A Walk in the Parc
The IT Eras 
IT history

- An article on how a small number of innovations had lasting impact on the world in the past 100 years: Historic IT Innovations  (6 pages)
- An article on the factors that has resulted in the shortage of IT professionals:
Origins of a Shortfall from Infoworld 2/8/99
  (3 pages)
-- An article on how the IS group is changing after some rough times:
Darwin Online's Death-Defying Leap (4 pages)
-- An article on how the way systems are built in the future will change organizational IS:
The New IT Industrial Revolution (2 pages)
The Changing Face of IT 
Pioneers and Laggards      
org structure

org models

[IT Org Models]  Business goals working with IT processes (6 pages)
[IT Org Struct]  Intro to IT Service Management (5 pages)
[Governance Issues]  10 Policies for Well-Run IS Org (4 pages)
org structure]  Managing in matrixed organization (2 pages)
Auerbach - In Depth Strategy for Outsourcing  
Buyers Checklist -- Evaluating Vendors
Scrambling After Outsourcer Collapse
Making the Right Choice  
Economics of Data Center Outsourcing   
Changing Market for Contact Center Outsourcing  
Hostile IS Outsourcing   
Segmenting in Software Deployment Market
Application Service Provider Overview on Viability  
Evaluating Large External Service Providers (ESPs) 
ESP - Crucial Elements in Strategic Sourcing         
Procurement Datapro-Application Outsourcing Buyers Checklist 
RFP for Web Hosting Advice    
Applications Deployment -- Build, Buy or Rent

SMAs (Svc Mgt Agreements)  provide Management Foundation    
Choosing the Right ERP Software

End Users User Needs Send Staff Back to School

User Training - what is the real effect on Total Cost of Ownership      
 Portals - End User Focus 

IT HRM and Leadership
Flamholtz Leadership Effectiveness Framework   
The IT-HRM Function Components and Tasks
Sturdivant Electric Corporation Case (HBS 172-123)
Plotnick, Chapter 4: Formal Support Structures, --hiring, mentoring, HR relations pp. 93-109
IT HRM and Leadership
  - recommend
[org structure]  Managing in matrixed organization (2 pages)
[HR issues]  Don't choose procedures over people (2 pages) 
Recruiting Tips Amid IT Shortage   
Today CIO Tomorrow CEO  
Evolving Role of CIO  
Managing employees in a matrixed organization     
Managers Retention Goal- Keep IT Staff    
Don't Put Procedures Over People     



  Control Risks of Unmanageable Architectures (3 pages)
  Middleware Concepts (13 pages)
  Migrating Mainframe Applications to Distributed (10 pages)
  The Hosting Series-part 1  part 2  part 3   part 4
  - recommend
-- Middleware Concepts -- for linking application suites
--Software in the Middle -- Middleware
Network Management -- Managing a Remote Access Environment   
-- Network Management in a Wireless Environment   
-- Information Security Policy
-- Planning for Disaster Recovery
Help Desks/

Outsourcing the Help Desk (2 pages)
Research Index: Call Center Info (2 pages)
Defining Future Call Center (4 pages)
IT Svc Desk Market: Evolution or Revolution (3 pages)
Consolidated Service Desk for Enterprise Applications (5 pages)
Support Services on WWW (12 pages)

Help Desks
  - recommend
Help Desks
Greenberg, Ruth, "End User Support: Help on Help", CIO 5/15/98

Rumberg, Jeff, "Meta View: Good Help", CIO, 5/15/98

articles from CIO magazine -- 
r5. Alan S. Kay, "Reaching Out for Help" 10/1/99

Training Provider May Begin Value Added Services
Management Plays Vital Role -- Evolution of IT Support    
Call Center Architecture Evolution 
Self-Support Technologies Expanding Support For Desktops    

Risk Management

A. Paul, Lauren Gibbons, "High Wire Acts," CIO 6/15/98, 

B.  Radosevich, Lynda and Cheryl Dahle, "Risk Management: Taking Your Changes," CIO 4/15/96, 

C. McKinsey Report on ERP Selection Concerns

Carol Hildebrand, "Beware the Weak Links," CIO 8/15/98.
F. Cearley, David, "Get Real on Cost of Ownership," CIO 9/1/97
G. Hubbard, Douglas, "The IT Measurement Inversion," CIO 4/15/99

H. Fabris, Peter, "Risky Business," CIO 5/15/95

Enterprise Risk   
Sprague & McNurlin
-- Chapter 17 (Helping People Become Comfortable with Information Technology) pp. 479-500
-- on  e-reservation at the library


Best Practices in Organizational Communication for Change Management   
Ensuring Business Goals and IT Processes Work Together
Managing Application Development The New Industrial Revolution

.        Brown, Carol, V. , and  Topi, Heikki, IS Management Handbook, "Improving Data Center Productivity and Effectiveness", Auerbach Publications, http://www.earthweb.com/

·        Connor, John, L., Auerbach Information Management Service, "Automating the Data Center: Part 1", Auebach Publications, http://www.earthweb.com/

·        Connor, John, L., Auerbach Information Management Service, "Automating the Data Center: Part 2", Auerbach Publications, http://www.earthweb.com/

·        Held, Gilbert, Auerbach Information Management Service, "Cost- Effective Management Practices for the Data Center",  Auerbach Publications, http://www.earthweb.com/

·        Held, Gilbert, Auerbach Information Management Service, "Secure Data Center Operations",  Auerbach Publications, http://www.earthweb.com/

·        Held, Gilbert, Server Management, "Acquiring and Using a UPS System", Auerbach Publications, http://www.earthweb.com/

·   ·        Sander, Guillermo, "High-Density Backbone", http://www.anixter.com/techlib/

·        Weeks, Andy, "What Exactly is a Data Center”, http://www.techrepublic.com

·        Render, Scott, "When is it Time to Outsource my Internet Servers", http://www.techrepublic.com

.    Security -- Why we are losing the War on Cybercrime


 Service Level Agreements  Compuware Products for SLAs

 The Panel Briefing Assignments
 -- Reserving Source Documents for Assignment 2 :

 ---Find:  one web document that is at least the length specified 
      or   two (2) documents that together meet the length specification
     that discuss some aspect of the topic that you have chosen 
   ---   The chosen document 
IS NOT on the course required reading list
          and  IS NOT on the course recommended reading lists (no exceptions) 

--To Reserve your web document 
log on to Course On Line (COL) 
--- click on View My Courses
--- click on the section you are in (IS 483 801, IS 483 802 or  IS 483 803)
--- click on Communication Tools
--- click on Discussion Forum
--- click on Panel Topic Selections
--- find the message that has the corresponding Topic Number and 
       click on it
--- click on the Reply button
--- enter the name of the article(s); their URLs and your name