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   <APPLET CODE="Jade" WIDTH="550" HEIGHT="260">
// - Java 2 app to show the drawing text with rotation
// and transpanency.  Note the use of a Frame in main that allows
// Jade to be run as either a Java 2 applet or as an application.
// These sorts of text/graphic features enable good-looking programs
// and applets that don't require costly (and slow to download) GIFs
// or other images;  instead the programs are small and fast!
// Note: Current browsers require <EMBED> or <OBJECT> tags to force
// the browser to load the Java 2 Plug-in and not try to use the
// JVM (usually version 1.1.5) built into the browser.  (AppletViewer
// recognizes all three tags just fine.)
// Adapted from "Java 2D Graphics", by Jonathan Knudsen, (C) 1999
// By O'Reilly & Assoc.,  pp. 121-122.
// Written by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA. (C) 1999.

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;

public class Jade extends Applet
   private static String msg1 = "java",
                         msg2 = " is fun!",
                         title = "Jade - Fancy Text Rendering Demo";

public static void main ( String [] args )
   Frame frame = new Frame( title );
   frame.setSize( 550, 260 );

   //Center the Frame:
   Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
   Dimension frameSize = frame.getSize();
   int x = ( screenSize.width - frameSize.width ) / 2;
   int y = ( screenSize.height - frameSize.height ) / 2;
   frame.setLocation( x, y );
   frame.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );

   frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter ()
       {   public void windowClosing ( WindowEvent e )
           {  System.exit( 0 ); }

   Jade jade = new Jade();
   frame.add( jade, "Center" );
   frame.setVisible( true );

public void init ()
   setBackground( );

// Applet Info may be seen from the appletviewer's menu.
public String getAppletInfo ()
   return title
          + " Version 1.0 \u00A9 1999 Wayne Pollock, "
          + "Tampa FL USA";

public void paint ( Graphics g )
   // To use the new 2D Graphics API we must use a Graphics 2D object:
   Graphics2D g2 = ( Graphics2D ) g;

   // Set some special features on a Graphics2D, to impove the output:
   g2.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,
                        RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );

   // Set the font and color of the text:
   g2.setFont( new Font( "Serif", Font.PLAIN, 80 ) );
   g2.setColor( );

   // Transform the orgin to be centered near the bottom.  This
   // is tricky since we want to center the whole message.  The
   // height is no problem, just set it to 3/4 the height of the
   // window.  The width is 1/2 the free space, which is determined
   // by subtracting the width of the message from the width of
   // the frame.  Note msg1 is drawn several times including nearly
   // backwards, so it must be counted in the message width, but
   // then the orgin must be put to the right of that extra.
   // (The magic number 0.6 below is pulled from thin air, i.e.,
   // determined by trial and error.):

   int frameWidth = getSize().width, frameHeight = getSize().height;
   FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics();
   int msg1Width = fm.stringWidth( msg1 );
   int msg2Width = fm.stringWidth( msg2 );
   int msg1Extra = (int) ( 0.6 * msg1Width );
   int leftPosition = msg1Extra + ( frameWidth -
       ( msg1Extra + msg1Width + msg2Width ) ) / 2;

   // Translate the whole window so the 0,0 point (the orgin) refers
   // to the point the text is centered around.  (Later you can use
   // the familar drawString method with coordinates of 0,0 and the
   // text will apprear in the proper position.)

   AffineTransform ct = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(
      leftPosition, frameHeight * 3 / 4 );
   g2.transform( ct );

   // Save this original transformation:
   AffineTransform old = g2.getTransform();

   // Now draw some copies of msg1 using rotate transforms:
   final int limit = 6;
   for ( int i = 1; i <= limit; ++i )
      // Draw the message limit times, evenly spaced around a half-circle.
      // The ratio determines how far to rotate.  Note in Java we don't
      // draw text on some angle, we rotate the whole window and then
      // draw text in a straight line:
      float ratio = ( float ) i / ( float ) limit;
      g2.transform( AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(
         Math.PI * ( ratio - 1.0f ) ) );
      float alpha = ( ( i == limit ) ? 1.0f : ratio / 3 );

      // Set Compositing rul.:  What should happen when drawing one pixel
      // on top of another?  Java 2 lets us pick a compositing rule:
      g2.setComposite( AlphaComposite.getInstance(
         AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, alpha ) );

      g2.drawString( msg1, 0, 0 );  // Finally, draw the text at the origin.

      // Restore original (non-rotated) transformation:
      g2.setTransform( old );

   // Draw msg2.  Its relative position is easy to determine:
   g2.drawString( msg2, msg1Width, 0 );

}  // End of paint method
