
/* Simple Java SE JPA demo, using EclipseLink and embedded JavaDB
 * @author Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA

package com.wpollock.jpademo;

import jakarta.persistence.*;  // The JPA classes
import java.util.List;

public class Main {

   public static void main ( String [] args ) {
      // With Java EE, you get an Entity Manager reference a different way.
      // Here, "MyDB" is the name of a JPA "persistence unit" (or PU),
      // defined in the file META-INF/persistence.xml.  That file maps this
      // PU to a database, and includes all necessary connection information.
      // Note that file can be changed without recompiling your Java code.
      // In this case, the PU refers to an embedded JavaDB database, which
      // is automatically created if it doesn't exist.  Additionally, when
      // connecting, all existing tables are dropped and recreated.  This
      // makes it easy to run the demo over and over.
      EntityManagerFactory emf =
         Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory( "MyDB" );
      EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

      // Create a new Book entity:
      Book b = new Book();
      b.setTitle( "Underwater Basket-Weaving for Dummies" );
      b.setDescription( "Learn to weave reed baskets "
         + "while holding your breath!" );
      b.setIsbn( "0-123-45678-9" );
      b.setPrice( 29.95F );  // In U.S. Dollars
      b.setAuthor( "Piffl, Hymie" );

      // Now add it to the database:
      EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction();
      em.persist( b );

      // Add another book:
      b = new Book();
            b.setTitle( "Brain Surgery: Self-Taught" );
      b.setDescription( "Become a brain surgeon in your spare time!" );
      b.setIsbn( "0-987-65432-1" );
      b.setPrice( 29.95F );  // In U.S. Dollars
      b.setAuthor( "Piffl, Hymie" );  // Best-selling author!

      // Now add it to the database:
      tx = em.getTransaction();
      em.persist( b );

      // Sample JPA query: fetch all Books in the database:
      Query getAllBooks = em.createQuery("SELECT b FROM Book b");
      List<Book> books = getAllBooks.getResultList();

      // Do something with the results:
      System.out.println( "Titles of books in our collection:" );
      for (Book book : books) {
         System.out.println( "ID: " + book.getId()
            + ", Title: " + book.getTitle() );
      System.out.println( "\nNumber of books: " + books.size() );

      // Close the database connection: