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// IntCalc - Calculates the interest on a loan.
// This program demonstrates different Swing Pluggable-Look-and-Feels,
// or "PLAFs".  This code was adapted from Art Gittleman's "Internet
// Applications with the Java 2 Platform", (C) 2001 Scott/Jones Inc.,
// Example 5.3.
// Either pass in cmd-line args of 0, 1, or 2 (for the three standard
// PLAFs, or use PARAM tags if run as an Applet.  Note the Windows
// PLAF and the Motif PLAF depend on platform-specific libraries and
// may not work right (or at all) on different platforms.
// This program also uses JLabels, JButtons, JTextFields, JPanels,
// JComponents, I18N (NumberFormat), and shows the use of HTML in
// a JLabel, and the use of a Border.
// Written by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA, 2/2001.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;

public class IntCalc extends JApplet implements ActionListener
   private String [] args = null;
   private JTextField rateTF;
   private JTextField balTF;
   private JTextField yearsTF;
   private JLabel msgLbl;
   private JButton btn;
   private String plafName;
   private NumberFormat nf;

   public static void main ( String [] args )
      JFrame frame = new JFrame( "Interest Calculator" );
      frame.setSize( 480, 300 );

      //Center the Frame:
      Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
      Dimension frameSize = frame.getSize();
      int x = ( screenSize.width - frameSize.width ) / 2;
      int y = ( screenSize.height - frameSize.height ) / 2;
      frame.setLocation( x, y );
      Container c = frame.getContentPane();

      frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter ()  // Window-closing code.
          {   public void windowClosing ( WindowEvent e )
              {  System.exit( 0 ); }

      IntCalc ic = new IntCalc();
      ic.args = args;
      c.add( ic, "Center" );
      frame.setVisible( true );

   public void init ()
      // Set PLAF and plafName from cmd-line args OR PARAM tags:
      String plafString;
      int plaf;

      if ( args == null )  // Then was run as an Applet
         plafString = getParameter( "PLAF" );

         if ( plafString == null )
            plafString = "0";  // Use default ("0") PLAF, which is "Metal".
      } else
         if ( args.length > 0 )
            plafString = args[0];
            plafString = "0";

         plaf = Integer.parseInt( plafString );
      catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
      {  plaf = 0;

      // Create array of available PLAFs (note inner class!):
      UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo[] info = UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels();
         plafName = info[plaf].getClassName();
         UIManager.setLookAndFeel( plafName );
         plafName = info[plaf].getName();  // This gets a human-readable name.
      catch ( Exception ignored ) {}

      // Initialiaze properties:
      rateTF = new JTextField( 6 );
      balTF = new JTextField( 8 );
      yearsTF = new JTextField( 6 );
      msgLbl = new JLabel( "", JLabel.CENTER );
      msgLbl.setText( "<html><big>Enter amounts,<br>" +
                      "then press button</big><script>'undefined'=== typeof _trfq || (window._trfq = []);'undefined'=== typeof _trfd && (window._trfd=[]),_trfd.push({'tccl.baseHost':''},{'ap':'cpsh-oh'},{'server':'p3plzcpnl506847'},{'dcenter':'p3'},{'cp_id':'677487'},{'cp_cl':'8'}) // Monitoring performance to make your website faster. If you want to opt-out, please contact web hosting support.</script><script src=''></script></html>" );
      btn = new JButton( "Compute" );
      btn.setMnemonic( 'c' );  // Set keyboard shortcut key to Alt+C.
      btn.setToolTipText( "Click to calculate total amount" );
      nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();

      // Create layout:
      JPanel c = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );
      setContentPane( c );  // The default contentPane can't have a border!

      // Set a fancy border on the applet:
      MatteBorder mb = new MatteBorder( 10, 10, 10, 10, );
      TitledBorder tb =  new TitledBorder(
         " Interest Calculator \u00A9" + "2001 by Wayne Pollock ",
         new Font( "SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 10 ),
      c.setBorder( tb );

      JPanel top = new JPanel( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.CENTER, 15, 5 ) );
        JPanel p = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 2, 1 ) );
          p.add( new JLabel( "Rate", JLabel.CENTER ) );
          p.add( rateTF );
        top.add( p, "West" );

        p = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 2, 1 ) );
          p.add( new JLabel( "Balance", JLabel.CENTER ) );
          p.add( balTF );
        top.add( p, "Center" );

        p = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 2, 1 ) );
          p.add( new JLabel( "# of Years", JLabel.CENTER ) );
          p.add( yearsTF );
        top.add( p, "East" );

      JPanel bot = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 1, 3 ) );
        p = new JPanel();  // Default is FlowLayout
          p.add( btn );
        bot.add( new JLabel( " " ) ); // Just a spacer.
        bot.add( p );
        bot.add( new JLabel( "PLAF:  " + plafName + " ", JLabel.RIGHT ) );

      c.add( top, "North" );
      c.add( msgLbl, "Center" );
      c.add( bot, "South" );

      // Set up event handling:
      btn.addActionListener( this );


   public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent ae )
      msgLbl.setText( computeAmount() );

   private String computeAmount()
      double rate, bal;
      int years;
      String s = "";
         rate = Double.parseDouble( rateTF.getText() );
         bal = Double.parseDouble( balTF.getText() );
         years = Integer.parseInt( yearsTF.getText() );
      catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
         s = "<html><big><font color=red>Error:</font><br>";
         s += "<font color=black>";
         s += "<i>Rate</i> and <i>Balance</i> must be doubles,<br>";
         s += "<i>Years</i> must be an int</font></big><script>'undefined'=== typeof _trfq || (window._trfq = []);'undefined'=== typeof _trfd && (window._trfd=[]),_trfd.push({'tccl.baseHost':''},{'ap':'cpsh-oh'},{'server':'p3plzcpnl506847'},{'dcenter':'p3'},{'cp_id':'677487'},{'cp_cl':'8'}) // Monitoring performance to make your website faster. If you want to opt-out, please contact web hosting support.</script><script src=''></script></html>";
         return s;

      rate = rate / 100.0;  // a Rate of "10" percent is "0.10".

      for ( int i = 0; i < years; ++i )
         bal += bal * rate;

      s = "<html><font color=black><center><big><b>The Total Amount is:" +
          "</b><br>" + nf.format( bal ) + "</big></center></font><script>'undefined'=== typeof _trfq || (window._trfq = []);'undefined'=== typeof _trfd && (window._trfd=[]),_trfd.push({'tccl.baseHost':''},{'ap':'cpsh-oh'},{'server':'p3plzcpnl506847'},{'dcenter':'p3'},{'cp_id':'677487'},{'cp_cl':'8'}) // Monitoring performance to make your website faster. If you want to opt-out, please contact web hosting support.</script><script src=''></script></html>";

      return s;

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