Download ExceptionDemo.java
1: // This code demonstrates catching and also throwing exceptions.
2: // In real code, reusable modules that detect errors can't know what
3: // to do about them, while the application that uses those modules
4: // knows what to do, but can't easily detect errors. So reusable
5: // modules often throw exceptions and applications/applets catch them.
6: //
7: // In this class, no "checked" exceptions are used, so no try-catch block
8: // is actually required. (Should an Exception occur, the JRE uses a default
9: // handler that prints the exception and a stack trace to the console.) If
10: // the "inverse" method threw a checked exception than it would need to be
11: // declared with a "throws" clause, something similar to this:
12: // float inverse ( float num ) throws WhatEverException
13: //
14: // You can find a list of standard Exceptions in java.lang (and other)
15: // packages, in the JavaDocs.
16: //
17: // Written 3/2006 by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA.
19: import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
21: class ExceptionDemo
22: {
23: public static void main ( String [] args )
24: {
25: int num = 0;
26: String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter a number:" );
27: try
28: {
29: num = Integer.parseInt( input );
30: System.out.println( "The inverse of " + num + " is " + inverse(num) );
31: }
32: catch ( NumberFormatException e )
33: {
34: System.out.println( "\"" + input + "\" is not a number!" );
35: }
36: // Comment out the following catch clause, run with "0" (zero), and
37: // see the default error handler output.
38: catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
39: {
40: System.out.println( e.getMessage() );
41: }
42: }
44: static float inverse ( float num ) // throws IllegalArgumentException
45: {
46: if ( num == 0.0f )
47: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "num must not be zero!" );
49: return 1 / num;
50: }
51: }