
Download AverageGPA.java

  1: // AverageGPA.java - A program to read in a bunch of student records
  2: // from a file, and print all student names who have a greater than
  3: // average GPA.  The file format is:
  4: //    count_of_records (int) <newline>
  5: //    name (String) <tab> GPA (double) <newline>
  6: //
  7: // An ArrayList might be a better choice for this particular
  8: // application, but I wanted to show array processing so I added a count
  9: // of the records as the first line of the file.  The file name is
 10: // passed as a command line argument to the program.
 11: //
 12: // Storing the data in a collection (array in this case) is required,
 13: // since the data must be processed twice: once to compute the average; then
 14: // after that, to print those with GPAs above average.  Without a collection,
 15: // the data would need to be read in a second time.
 16: //
 17: // Written 2018 Wayne Pollock, Tampa FL USA.
 19: import java.nio.file.Paths;
 20: import java.util.*;
 22: public class AverageGPA {
 23:    public static void main ( String [] args ) {
 24:       Scanner in;
 25:       int numRecords = 0;
 26:       double runningTotal = 0.0;
 28:       // Filename should be a file in (or relative to) the current directory:
 29:       if ( args.length != 1 ) {
 30:          System.out.println( "\nUsage: java AverageGPA <name_of_datafile>"
 31:             + "\n(example: java AverageGPA StudentRecords.txt)" );
 32:          return;
 33:       }
 35:       try {  // Make a Scanner from the filename:
 36:          in = new Scanner( Paths.get(args[0]) );
 37:          numRecords = in.nextInt();
 38:          in.nextLine();  // Throw away the newline
 39:          // Use tabs and newlines as field delimiters for rest of file:
 40:          in.useDelimiter( "[\\t\\r\\n]" );
 41:       }
 42:       catch ( Exception e ) {
 43:          System.err.println( "\n*** Could not read number of records from file"
 44:             + " (the first line).\n" + e.toString() );
 45:          return;
 46:       }
 48:       if ( numRecords < 1 ) {
 49:          System.err.println(
 50:             "\n*** Number of records in file is less than 1!\n" );
 51:          return;
 52:       }
 54:       Student[] student = new Student[numRecords];
 56:       for ( int i = 0; i < numRecords; ++i ) {
 57:          try {
 58:             String name = in.next();  // Read up to a tab
 59:             double GPA = in.nextDouble();
 60:             in.nextLine();  // Skip over the newline
 62:             student[i] = new Student( name, GPA );
 63:             runningTotal += GPA;
 64:          }
 65:          catch ( InputMismatchException ime ) {
 66:             System.err.println( "Error: Badly formatted input data" );
 67:             return;  // TODO probably should continue, to just skip bad data.
 68:          }
 69:       }
 71:       // Compute the average:
 72:       double average = runningTotal / numRecords;
 74:       // Display a title for the output table:
 75:       System.out.printf( "\n       GPA greater than %4.2f:\n", average );
 77:       for ( final Student s : student ) {
 78:          if ( s.getGPA() > average ) {
 79:             System.out.println( "\t" + s.toString() );
 80:          }
 81:       }
 82:       // TODO: check for zero students > average, and display message if none.
 83:       // (That can only happen if all the students have the same GPA.)
 84:    }
 85: }  // End of class AverageGPA
 87: // This is a trivial class Student, containing only a name and GPA:
 88: class Student {
 89:    private final String name;
 90:    private final double GPA;
 92:    public Student ( String name, double GPA ) {
 93:       this.name = name;
 94:       this.GPA = GPA;
 95:    }
 97:    public String getName () {
 98:       return name;
 99:    }
101:    public double getGPA () {
102:       return GPA;
103:    }
105:    // Format a student record nicely:
106:    public String toString () {
107:       return "Name: " + name + "\tGPA: " + String.format( "%4.2f", GPA );
108:    }
109: }