
Download TimerDemo.java

 1: // Demo for Timers.  This code prints out the current time every 5 seconds
 2: // (and also plays a "beep" sound).  "%Tr" means to format as "hh:mm:ss ?M"
 3: // (?M means either AM or PM).  This continues until the user types
 4: // control+C.
 5: //
 6: // Written 4/2021 by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA
 8: import java.util.*;
 9: import java.awt.Toolkit;
10: import java.time.LocalTime;
12: public class TimerDemo {
13:     public static void main (String[] args) {
14:         Timer everyFiveSeconds = new Timer();
16:         TimerTask task = new TimerTask() {
17:             @Override
18:             public void run () {
19:                 System.out.printf("At the tone, the time will be %Tr%n",
20:                     LocalTime.now() );
21:                 Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();
22:             }
23:         };
25:         everyFiveSeconds.scheduleAtFixedRate( task, 0, 5_000 );
26:     }
27: }