
  1: // Demo of ArrayList and Map, showing how to create them, add objects,
  2: // search for objects, remove objects, and iterate over them.
  3: //
  4: // Collections hold objects; you must "wrap" primitive types to add
  5: // them.  This is easier since Java 5, which automatically converts
  6: // primitives to their wrapper class and back, as needed ("autoboxing").
  7: // Another Java 5 feature is "generics", which allows you to create a
  8: // collection of elements of a specific type.  If you do this, you can
  9: // avoid using "cast" operators.
 10: //
 11: // Collections have a "capacity", which is the amount of memory
 12: // reserved for it.  Adding new elements to a collection is very
 13: // efficient if the current size is less than the current capacity.
 14: // Otherwise the collection must be grown.
 15: //
 16: // Collections can be converted to arrays and vice-versa.  Using the
 17: // utility methods in java.util.Collections an ArrayList can be
 18: // easily searched, sorted, reversed, etc.  (Note shown here.)
 19: //
 20: // Written 3/2005 by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA.
 21: // Updated 2015, 2017
 23: import java.util.*;
 25: class CollectionsDemo
 26: {
 27:     public static void main ( String [] args )
 28:     {
 29:         List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
 31:         names.add( new String( "Jane" ) );
 32:         names.add( new String( "Anna" ) );
 33:         names.add( new String( "Hiro" ) );
 34:         names.add( new String( "Kim" ) );
 35:         names.add( new String( "Sam" ) );
 36:         names.add( new String( "Wayne" ) );
 38:         // Quick and dirty way to print a collection:
 39:         System.out.println( "Initial contents: " + names );
 40:         // For collections of collections print them this way:
 41:         //   Arrays.deepToString( names.toArray() ) );
 43:         if ( names.contains("Sam") )  // Note, "contains" uses "equal".
 44:         {
 45:             int i = names.indexOf( "Sam" );  // returns -1 if not found
 46:             String s = names.get( i );
 47:             System.out.println( "\nIndex of \"" + s + "\" is "
 48:                     + i + "." );
 50:             System.out.println( "Removing \"Sam\"." );
 51:             names.remove( i );  // names.remove( "Sam" ) works too.
 52:             System.out.println( "Num of remaining names: "
 53:                     + names.size() );
 54:         }
 56:         System.out.println( "Sorting names.\n" );
 57:         Collections.sort( names );
 59:         System.out.println( "The remaining names are:\n" );
 60:         for ( String name : names )
 61:             System.out.println( name );
 63:         // Using an Iterator: needed when altering collection:
 64:         Iterator<String> it = names.iterator();
 65:         while ( it.hasNext() )
 66:         {
 67:             String name =;
 68:             if ( name.endsWith( "e" ) )
 69:             {  System.out.println( "Removing \"" + name + "\"" );
 70:                it.remove();
 71:             }
 72:         }
 74:         System.out.println( "\nThe remaining names are:\n" );
 75:         for ( String name : names )
 76:             System.out.println( name );
 78:         names.clear();  // removes all elements
 80:         // Demo of creating and using a Map:
 81:         Map<String, Integer> m = new HashMap<>();
 82:         m.put( "January", 31 );       m.put( "February", 28 );
 83:         m.put( "March", 31 );         m.put( "April", 30 );
 84:         m.put( "May", 31 );           m.put( "June", 30 );
 85:         m.put( "July", 31 );          m.put( "August", 31 );
 86:         m.put( "September", 30 );     m.put( "October", 31 );
 87:         m.put( "November", 30 );      m.put( "December", 31 );
 89:         int days = m.get( "July" );
 91:         System.out.println( "\nDays in July: " + days );
 93:         // Since Java 8, there must be a dozen ways to iterate over a
 94:         // collection.  I show four of them here.  Generally speaking,
 95:         // the forEach way is most efficient.  Note these methods work
 96:         // for any type of collection; Maps are actually the most difficult.
 98:         // Since Maps don't preserve key order, sort the keys first:
 99:         System.out.println( "\nMap (sorted keys):" );
100:         List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>( m.keySet() );
101:         Collections.sort( keys );
102:         // Dumping the sorted Map using a for-each loop:
103:         for ( String key : keys ) {
104:             System.out.println( key + " has " + m.get(key) + " days." );
105:         }
107:         // Dumping the unsorted Map again, this time using an iterator):
108:         System.out.println( "\nMap (unsorted keys) via iterator:" );
109:         Iterator<String> iter = m.keySet().iterator();
110:         while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
111:             String key =;
112:             System.out.println( key + " has " + m.get(key) + " days." );
113:         }
115:         // Dumping the unsorted Map again, this time using forEach):
116:         System.out.println( "\nMap (unsorted keys) via forEach:" );
117:         m.forEach ( (k,v) -> System.out.println( k + " has " + v + " days." ) );
119:         // Dumping the unsorted Map again, this time using a stream):
120:         System.out.println( "\nMap (unsorted keys) via a stream:" );
121:         m.entrySet().stream().forEach(e ->
122:             System.out.println( e.getKey() + " has " + e.getValue() + " days." )
123:         );
125:         // This runs:
126:         Integer numDays = m.get( "Pollockuary" );
127:         System.out.println( "\nDays in Pollockuary: " + numDays );
129:         // This would fail with a NullPointerException:
130:         // int days = m.get( "Pollockuary" );
131:     }
132: }