Copy and Paste using PuTTY and Email

Just drag the mouse through stuff on the Putty window.  That automatically copies it to the clipboard.  Now start up pine and right-click when the message body (not the headers) is highlighted.  That does a paste in PuTTY!

PuTTY can be configured to use the middle mouse button (the wheel) for paste instead.

Adding files to the message body can also be done without copy or paste.  When the message body is highlighted in pine, use the "^R" (control+r") command to select a file and paste it into the message body.  (Different MUAs will have different ways to do this.)  Repeat for each file!

When appending multiple files to a single email, it helps to separate them with a line of dashes or equal-signs, like this:

Here are my files for project xyx:

==============file foo===================


==============file bar===================
