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001    package com.wpollock.playsnd;
003    import java.applet.*;
004    import java.awt.*;
005    import java.lang.ref.*;
006    import java.util.*;
008    /** This applet provides a public "play" method that plays a sound which can
009     * be called from JavaScript in the web page.  In addition a cache is
010     * kept of previously played sounds.
011     *
012     * To use this applet you need something like this in your HTML file:<pre>
013          &lt;applet name="playSnd" height="0" width="0"
014                  code="com.wpollock.playsnd.PlaySnd.class"
015                  archive="PlaySnd.jar"&gt;
016             &lt;param name="scriptable" value="true"&gt;
017          &lt;/applet&gt;
018          &lt;p&gt; A horse says
019          &lt;a href="#"
020             onClick="'whinny.wav'); return false;"
021             title="Click to play sound of a horse"&gt;neigh&lt;/a&gt;.
022          &lt;/p&gt;
023     * </pre>
024     *
025     * @author Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA.
026     * @version 1.0
027     * @since 08/08/2004
028     */
030    public class PlaySnd extends Applet
031    {
032       private HashMap cache = new HashMap();
034       public void start ()
035       {
036          // Pre-load the audio classes to make first sound selected play faster.
037          // This is done by playing a tiny silent sound file bundled with the
038          // applet:
039          getAudioClip( getClass().getResource( "silent.wav" ) ).play();
040       }
042       /**
043       * Plays a sound.  Implements a cache of previously loaded sounds.
044       *
045       * @param sndName The filename or pathname to the sound file, relative to
046       *                this applet's JAR file.  (ex: "foo.wav", "audio/foo.wav",
047       *                "../media/foo.wav".)
048       */
050       public void play ( String sndName )
051       {
052          if ( sndName == null || sndName.length() == 0 )
053          {  System.err.println( " Illegal argument " +
054             "(need sound file name)\n" );
055             return;  // Nothing to do
056          }
058          AudioClip snd = null;
060          if ( cache.containsKey( sndName ) )
061          {  SoftReference sr =  (SoftReference) cache.get( sndName );
062             snd = ( sr == null ? null : (AudioClip) sr.get() );
063          }
064          else
065          {  // Since the applet will be deployed from a JAR, using
066             // getClass().getResource( sndName ) would not work correctly.
067             showStatus( "Loading audio file..." );
068             snd = getAudioClip( getCodeBase(), sndName );
069             if ( snd == null )
070                System.err.println( " Cannot load sound file \"" +
071                                     sndName + "\".\n" );
072          }
073          if ( snd != null )
074          {;
075             showStatus( "" );
076             cache.put( sndName, new SoftReference( snd ) );
077          } else
078          {  showStatus( "ERROR!  Cannot play sound \"" + sndName + "\"!" );
079          }
080       }
081    }