(Development version)

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// Scientific Personality quiz Applet - Development Version
// This applet demonstrates the use of Buttons and Labels, and Panels
// and LayoutManagers (BorderLayout and FlowLayout).  While in
// development, it is very helpful to set a different background
// color for each Panel, so the layout can easily been seen.
// (C)2000 by Wayne Pollock, Tampa FL USA.  All Rights Reserved.
   <APPLET CODE="PersonDev" WIDTH="465" HEIGHT="250">

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class PersonDev extends Applet implements ActionListener
   Button sunRiseBtn, sunSetBtn;
   Label answerLine1, answerLine2, title, credits, question;
   String sunRiseLine1, sunSetLine1, sunRiseLine2, sunSetLine2;

public void init ()
   Font myFont = new Font( "Seriff", Font.BOLD, 18 );

   title = new Label( "Scientific Personality Quiz", Label.CENTER );
   title.setFont( new Font("SanSeriff", Font.BOLD, 30) );

   question = new Label( "Which do you prefer to watch?", Label.CENTER );
   question.setFont( myFont );

   credits = new Label( "\u00A9 2000 by Wayne Pollock, Tampa"
                      + " FL USA.  All Rights Reserved.", Label.CENTER );
   credits.setFont( new Font("SanSeriff", Font.PLAIN, 12) );

   answerLine1 = new Label( "If you see this line", Label.CENTER );
   answerLine1.setFont( myFont );
   answerLine1.setBackground( );
   answerLine1.setForeground( );
   answerLine1.setVisible( false );  //Don't show answer till user clicks a btn.

   answerLine2 = new Label( "then this program has a bug!", Label.CENTER );
   answerLine2.setFont( myFont );
   answerLine2.setBackground( );
   answerLine2.setForeground( );
   answerLine2.setVisible( false );  //Don't show answer till user clicks a btn.

   sunRiseBtn = new Button( "Sun Rise" );
   sunSetBtn  = new Button( "Sun Set" );

   // Lines one and two for the Labels for a sun rise:
   sunRiseLine1 = "You are getting up too early!";
   sunRiseLine2 = "You are in need of immediate psychotherapy.";

   // Lines one and two for the Labels for a sun set:
   sunSetLine1  = "Why are you watching the sun set when";
   sunSetLine2  = "you should be working?  You are a lazy person!";

   // Layout components (note indenting to show Components within Panels):
   setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
   setBackground( Color.lightGray );
   Panel top = new Panel();
     top.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
     top.add( title, "North" );
     top.add( question, "South" );
     top.setBackground( );
   add( top, "North" );

   Panel mid = new Panel();
     mid.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
     mid.setBackground( Color.yellow );
     Panel btns = new Panel();
       btns.setBackground( );
       btns.add( sunRiseBtn );
       btns.add( new Label( "    " ) );  // Just a spacer.
       btns.add( sunSetBtn );
     mid.add( btns, "North" );
     mid.add( new Label( " " ), "Center" ); // Another spacer.
     Panel answerP = new Panel();
       answerP.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
       answerP.setBackground( );
       answerP.add( answerLine1, "North" );
       answerP.add( answerLine2, "South" );
     mid.add( answerP, "South");
   add( mid, "Center" );

   Panel bot = new Panel();
     bot.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
     bot.setBackground( );
     bot.add( new Label( " " ), "North" );
     bot.add( credits, "South" );
   add( bot, "South" );

   // Set up event handling for the two buttons:
   sunRiseBtn.addActionListener( this );
   sunSetBtn.addActionListener( this );

public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent ae )
   if ( ae.getActionCommand().equals( "Sun Rise" ) )
      answerLine1.setText( sunRiseLine1 );
      answerLine2.setText( sunRiseLine2 );
   } else  // Must be "Sun Set":
      answerLine1.setText( sunSetLine1 );
      answerLine2.setText( sunSetLine2 );
   answerLine1.setVisible( true );
   answerLine2.setVisible( true );

   validate();  // Forces Java to re-layout (and repaint) the applet.

}  // End of Applet