Borland CPP 5.02 Keyboard Shortcuts

    Key Comment
<Alt-F7> Previous message command - Search Previous message
<Alt-F8> Next message command - Search Next message
<Alt-F9> Compile command - Project Compile
<Alt-z> ExpandWindow - Increase size of the currently selected window to maximum size
<Ctrl-c> Copy command - Edit Copy
<Ctrl-Delete> Clear command - Edit Clear
<Ctrl-F> Find command - Search Find
<Ctrl-F9> Run command - Debug Run
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-s> Save command - File Save
<Ctrl-q><Ctrl-a> Replace command - Search Replace
<Ctrl-q><Ctrl-f> Find command - Search Find
<Ctrl-v> Paste command - Edit Paste
<Ctrl-x> Cut command - Edit Cut
<Ctrl-z> Undo command - Edit Undo
<F1> Keyword search command - Help Keyword search
<F3> Search again command - Search Search again
<F9> Make all command - Project Make all
<Shift-Ctrl-z> Redo command - Edit Redo
<Alt-[> Finds the matching delimiter (forward)
<Alt-]> Finds the matching delimiter (backward)
<Alt-Backspace> Undo command - Editor Undo
<Alt-Shift-Backspace> Redo command - Edit Redo
<Ctrl-i> Inserts a smart tab
<Ctrl-n> Inserts a new line
<Ctrl-p> Causes the next character to be interpreted as an ASCII sequence
<Ctrl-t> Deletes the word to the right
<Ctrl-y> Deletes a line
<Ctrl-Left> Moves one word left
<Ctrl-Right> Moves one word right
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-b> Marks the beginning of a block
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-c> Copy a selected block
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-e> Converts all alphabetic characters in a word to lowercase
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-f> Converts all alphabetic characters in a word to uppercase
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-h> Hides/Shows a selected block
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-i> Indents a block by the amount specified by the Block Indent option
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-k> Marks the end of a block
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-l> Marks a line.
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-n> Converts all alphabetic characters in the block to uppercase
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-o> Converts all alphabetic characters in the block to lowercase
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-p> Prints a selected block
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-r> Reads a block from a file
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-t> Marks a word as a block
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-u> Outdents a block by the amount specified by the Block Indent option
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-v> Moves a selected block
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-w> Writes a selected block to file
<Ctrl-k><Ctrl-y> Deletes a selected block
<Ctrl-k><0> Sets bookmark 0
<Ctrl-0> Go to bookmark 0
<Ctrl-o><Ctrl-a> Open Source command - Open source (Edit window SpeedMenu)
<Ctrl-o><Ctrl-c> Sets block mode to column block
<Ctrl-o><Ctrl-g> Go to Line command - Go to line (Edit window SpeedMenu)
<Ctrl-o><Ctrl-i> Sets block mode to inclusive block
<Ctrl-o><Ctrl-k> Sets block mode to non-inclusive block
<Ctrl-o><Ctrl-l> Sets block mode to line block
<Ctrl-o><Ctrl-o> Toggles case on all alphabetic characters in the block
<Ctrl-Insert> Copy command - Edit Copy
<Ctrl-q><Ctrl-b> Move cursor to the beginning of a block
<Ctrl-q><Ctrl-c> Move cursor to the end of the file
<Ctrl-q><Ctrl-e> Move cursor to top of window retaining column position
<Ctrl-q><Ctrl-k> Move cursor to the end of a block
<Ctrl-q><Ctrl-p> Move to previous edit
<Ctrl-q><Ctrl-r> Move cursor to the beginning of the file
<Ctrl-q><Ctrl-s> Move cursor to the beginning of the line
<Ctrl-q><Ctrl-t> Move current line to the top of the window
<Ctrl-q><Ctrl-u> Move current line to the bottom of the window
<Ctrl-q><Ctrl-x> Move cursor to bottom of window retaining column
<Ctrl-q><Ctrl-y> Delete from cursor to the end of the line
<Ctrl-q><[> Finds the matching delimiter (forward)
<Ctrl-q><Escape> Finds the matching delimiter (forward)
<Ctrl-q><Ctrl-[> Finds the matching delimiter (forward)
<Ctrl-q><]> Finds the matching delimiter (backward)
<Ctrl-q><Ctrl-]> Finds the matching delimiter (backward)
<Ctrl-Backspace> Deletes the word to the left of the cursor
<Ctrl-Home> Move cursor to the top of the file
<Ctrl-End> Move cursor to the end of the file
<Ctrl-PageDown> Move cursor to bottom of window retaining column
<Ctrl-PageUp> Move cursor to the top of the window retaining column
<Ctrl-Up> Scroll window up one line
<Ctrl-Down> Scroll window down one line
<Ctrl-s> Incremental search
<Ctrl-Tab> Inserts a smart tab
<Ctrl-x> Cut command - Edit Cut
<Delete> Deletes the character to the right of the cursor
<Down> Move cursor down one line in the window
<Escape> no op
<End> Move cursor to the end of the line
<Enter> Inserts a carriage return
<Home> Move cursor to the beginning of the line
<Insert> Toggle insert mode on/off
<Left> Move cursor one character to the left
<PageUp> Move cursor up one screen
<PageDown> Move cursor down one screen
<Right> Move cursor one character to the right
<Shift-Backspace> Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
<Shift-Ctrl-End> Marks from cursor to the end of the file
<Shift-Ctrl-Left> Marks from cursor one word to the left
<Shift-Ctrl-Right> Mark from cursor one word to the right
<Shift-Ctrl-Home> Marks from cursor to the beginning of the file
<Shift-Ctrl-i> Indents a block by the amount specified by the Block Indent option
<Shift-Ctrl-o><Up> Deletes the pane above the current pane
<Shift-Ctrl-o><Down> Deletes the pane below the current pane
<Shift-Ctrl-o><Left> Deletes the pane to the left of the current pane
<Shift-Ctrl-o><Right> Deletes the pane to the right of the current pane
<Shift-Ctrl-o><Ctrl-Up> Deletes the pane above the current pane
<Shift-Ctrl-o><Ctrl-Down> Deletes the pane below the current pane
<Shift-Ctrl-o><Ctrl-Left> Deletes the pane to the left of the current pane
<Shift-Ctrl-o><Ctrl-Right> Deletes the pane to the right of the current pane
<Shift-Ctrl-PageDown> Marks from cursor to the bottom of the screen
<Shift-Ctrl-PageUp> Marks from cursor to the top of the screen
<Shift-Ctrl-u> Outdents a block by the amount specified by the Block Indent option
<Shift-Ctrl-y> Delete from cursor to the end of the line
<Shift-Down> Marks from cursor down one line
<Shift-Delete> Cut command - Edit Cut
<Shift-End> Marks from cursor to the end of the line
<Shift-Enter> Inserts a carriage return
<Shift-Home> Marks from cursor to the beginning of the line
<Shift-Insert> Paste command - Edit Paste
<Shift-Left> Marks the character to the left of the cursor
<Shift-Right> Marks the character to the right of the cursor
<Shift-Up> Marks from cursor up one line
<Shift-PageUp> Marks from cursor up one screen
<Shift-PageDown> Marks from cursor down one screen
<Shift-Space> Inserts a ' ' (space) character
<Shift-Tab> Moves the cursor to the previous tab stop
<Space> Inserts a ' ' (space) character
<Tab> Inserts a tab character
<Up> Move cursor up one line