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/* FindMin.c - This program searches an array for the smallest item. The input
 * is read from the standard input.  The input must be less than MAX_LINES
 * lines long.  Note that the line length is limited---word processors
 * sometimes produce files with one line per paragraph, which won't work here!
 * The reason the array "data" is global is that on PCs, the amount of memory
 * for local objects (ie, on the stack) is very limited.  Global objects are
 * usually allowed to be larger, but are still limited to less than 32K bytes
 * usually.  32000/81 = 395, so we have ~390 lines max.  If we allowed longer
 * lines of 132, we could only have ~240 lines.  Using dynamic memory and/or
 * a "Large" or "Huge" memory model on a PC can usually solve these problems.
 * (On UNIX machines, you don't usually have such problems.)  Note that
 * find_min and printout still pass the array as a parameter.
 * Written 2001 by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAX_OBJECT_SIZE 32000  /* This is about right for Mac and DOS */
#define LINE_LENGTH (80 + 1)   /* Allow one extra byte for final null (0). */
#define MAX_LINES (MAX_OBJECT_SIZE / LINE_LENGTH - 5) /* About 390. */

char data[MAX_LINES][LINE_LENGTH];  /* Global to allow a larger size. */

int find_min (int num_lines, char data[][LINE_LENGTH]);

int main (void)
{  int i, num_lines = 0, smallest;

   while (fgets(data[num_lines], LINE_LENGTH, stdin) != NULL)
   {  i = strlen(data[num_lines]) - 1; /* i points to last char on line. */
      data[num_lines][i] = '\n';       /* Make sure line ends with '\n'. */
   smallest = find_min(num_lines, data);
   printf("The minimum line is:\n\t%s", data[smallest]);
   return 0;

int find_min (int num_lines, char data[][LINE_LENGTH])


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