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// PServer1 - A simplified Print Server.  Not a complete application!
// Written 2/2001 by Wayne Pollock, Tampa Florida USA.  Adopted from
// "The Java Programming Language" 3rd Ed. by Ken Arnold, James
// Gosling, and David Holmes.  (C) 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
// Published by Addison-Wesley.  Pages 233-ff.

import java.util.LinkedList;

class PServer1 implements Runnable
   private LinkedList requestList = new LinkedList();

   public PServer1 ()
      new Thread( this ).start();  // Create and start thread.

   public void addPrintJob( PrintJob job )
      requestList.add( job );
      // ...  Let the PServer thread know a print job has been queued.

   public void run ()
      for ( ;; )
         while ( ! requestList.isEmpty() )
            printIt( (PrintJob) requestList.removeFirst() );
         //  Wait for more print jobs.

   private void printIt ( PrintJob job )
      // ...  Do real job of printing here

class PrintJob
   // ...

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